ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 47th Edition – ROFFS™ End of Year Message, GHO Launches Innovative Fishing Tournament App, Bluefin Tuna Press Release & NEW Video Section of ROFFS™ Website
ROFFS™ End of the Year Message
December 02, 2014
As we count down the days remaining in 2014 we reflect upon all the good fishing action that occurred this year. From the many positive reports you sent, it appears that we achieved our goal of helping you find fish faster. For many people the season started early and ended late. Based on what we are still hearing off of New York, New Jersey, Virginia and North Carolina, the season has not ended yet as tuna and marlin are still being reported. From the state record department ROFFS™ clients George Gartner, Kevin Deerman, Cameron Plaag, and Richard Richardson on Legacy set the Texas state blue marlin record (972.7 lbs.).
Above: Team “Legacy” with their 972.7 lb. TX state record blue marlin caught during the 2014 John Uhr Memorial Billfish Tournament. Photo Credit – Kevin Deerman.
Our clients (you) won awards in 402 categories in just 86 major tournaments. We never list Calcutta winners or daily winners, although there are many. These 402 winners increases the 24 year (1991-2014) tally to 6993 winners! ROFFS™ clients also won top awards in multiple tournament and seasonal club venues such as the North Carolina Governor’s Cup, South Carolina Governor’s Cup, Ocean City, MD Marlin Club Seasonal Awards, Beach Haven Marlin & Tuna Club Season Standings (NJ), Cape May Marlin & Tuna Club Season Standings (NJ), Mobile Big Game Fishing Club Annual Awards (AL). We know there are more winners out there so please review the ROFFS™ Winners list on our website ( and send additions and other corrections. Some seasonal tournaments continue until the end of the month so please check the winners list in January as we are sure it will get longer. We received many calls and emails of great fishing days independent of state records and tournaments. Thank you for those notes, photos, and videos. Please send more!
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read the FULL ROFFS™ end of the year message on our website now…
GHO Launches Innovative Worldwide Fishing Tournament App
Mark Ellert, President of Guy Harvey Outpost Resorts & Lodges announced today the launch of the company’s new fishing app, iGHOFISH, created to serve as the record keeper for the company’s new “Fish for the Future” fishing tournament along with tournament and special fishing events at its Guy Harvey Outpost destinations. Using software developed by the Snook and Gamefish Foundation, tournament catches will automatically populate the foundation’s database of over 130 inshore and offshore species.
Running thru 2015, the innovative ‘Fish for the Future’ tournament is open to anglers anywhere in the world, with various divisions and awards for twenty gamefish species. “With the iGHOFISH app we can now actually host a tournament with literally no limit on fishing boundaries, and in the process populate the foundations’ database with valuable catch data,’ noted Ellert. “The iGHOFISH app is a perfect reflection of our Outpost brand focus on convergence of watersport recreation and marine science. It’s ‘must have’ gear in the tackle box of every Guy Harvey Outpost angler.”
PLEASE CLICK HERE for more on the innovative fishing tournament app recently launched by Guy Harvey Outpost…
American Bluefin Tuna Association Press Release
Press release courtesy of Rich Ruais – Executive Director, American Bluefin Tuna AssociationAt the conclusion of their week-long meeting in Genoa, the 49 member governments of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) today adopted, with overwhelming support, increases in fishing quota for both West and East Atlantic bluefin tuna. These dramatic and positive measures are consistent with the best scientific advice, recently showing significant increases in Atlantic bluefin biomass.
“We are very pleased that ICCAT has chosen to increase the West Atlantic bluefin quota. The results of the hard work of the team of academic and government scientists this year has validated that Atlantic bluefin stock status has appreciably improved, enabling an increase in fishing quota. ICCAT nations recognized and accepted recent scientific advice and took an exceptionally precautionary approach, particularly with regard to the West Atlantic bluefin resource”, said Rich Ruais, Executive Director of the American Bluefin Tuna Association (ABTA).
ICCAT has decided to increase West Atlantic bluefin tuna quota from its present level of 1,750 mt to 2,000 mt, a 14% increase, for each of the next two years. US fishermen will receive about a 54% share of the increase. The most recent scientific advice actually supported an increase to 2,250 mt but scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) preferred a lower quota.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read the full American Bluefin Tuna Association press release on our website now…
NEW Videos Section on ROFFS™ Website
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