Ninth Edition of ROFFS™ Fishy Times – Excellent Fishing Conditions & El Niño Update

Excellent Fishing Conditions & El Niño Update


Outstanding Wahoo Fishing Between Daytona Beach and Jacksonville Beach, FL

Wahoo fishing between Daytona Beach and Jacksonville Beach, FL has been outstanding this winter season after the cool waters moved southward a few weeks ago compressing the wahoo’s preferred thermal habitat. In addition, there have been a series of relatively slow moving and relatively large counter-clockwise Gulf Stream eddy features moving northward from the Cape Canaveral area. For more information please continue reading on our website…

Get Ready for Tuna Action from Virginia to New Jersey

We hope you are getting ready for tuna action from Virginia to New Jersey. The infrared satellite imagery from NASA and NOAA satellites from over the weekend (March 09-10, 2014) show some interesting features as a substantial meander of the Gulf Stream has moved northward just east of the Norfolk Canyon to Lindenkohl Canyon area with blue water with sea surface temperatures (SST) of 61°F-63°F. Bluefin and bigeye tuna and swordfish, along with mako sharks like these waters and we believe that these fish are in these water masses. For more information please continue reading on our website…

El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion

ENSO-neutral continued during February 2014, with below-average sea surface temperatures (SST) continuing in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and above-average SSTs increasing near the International Date Line.  Overall, the weekly Niño indices were variable during the month, with most indices remaining less than -0.5°C.  A significant downwelling oceanic Kelvin wave increased the oceanic heat content and produced large positive subsurface temperature anomalies across the central and east-central Pacific.  In addition, toward the end of the month, strong low-level westerly winds re-appeared over the western equatorial Pacific.  Convection was suppressed over western Indonesia and the central equatorial Pacific.  Collectively, these atmospheric and oceanic conditions reflect ENSO-neutral.  For more information and to read on please visit our website…

Please do not forget to submit your tournament wins and photos (fun fishing or tournament) directly to us via EMAIL so we can use them in future Fishy Times newsletters and on our website.

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!

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