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Waves Crashing!
It’s never good when the waves crash OVER the homes. From the Marshfield Brant Rock area south of Boston. Video Courtesy: FOX 13’s Paul Dellegatto | Facebook
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Sushi Anyone?
This sushi chef is the master of breaking down giant fish. Video Courtesy: Kitchen Insider | Facebook
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Fishing Isn’t Always Fair!
Most of the time fishing is easy and fun, sometimes it’s hard and challenging and sometimes it’s not fair… Video Courtesy: Lunkerville | Facebook
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Coast Guard!
US Coast Guard off Oregon Inlet doing some exercises. Video Courtesy: US Coast Guard Oregon Inlet | Facebook
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Cut Down on Plastic!
Some New Year’s resolution inspiration – cut down on plastic in 2018! Video Courtesy: BBC | Facebook
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Apply Now for Lionfish Invitationals
The Lionfish Invitational is Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary’s answer to lionfish derbies held in more accessible reef areas. Each trip fills a boat with people looking to dive the sanctuary and remove invasive lionfish. But, that’s not all. Divers are also collecting scientific data to help us learn more about the impacts of the invasion.
Applications for the 2018 Lionfish Invitational cruises are now open. Cruises will take place on the MV Fling June 24-28 and August 26-30, in partnership with Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada and Texas Lionfish Control Unit. Applications can be downloaded from our Lionfish Invitational page and are due by March 31, 2018. Apply now if you would like to participate.
Please click HERE to read more on our website now!
Egg Harbor City Council Passes Ordinance Banning Balloon Releases Article Courtesy: | By: Charlie Pritchard | Originally published March 11, 2018
City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting the release of helium-filled balloons at its meeting March 8.
The ordinance states it is designed to protect the environment, particularly wildlife, and the health, safety and well-being of people and property.
It also says it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to intentionally release, organize the release of or intentionally cause to be released balloons inflated with a gas that is lighter than air within the city limits except for a balloon released by a person on behalf of a governmental agency or pursuant to a governmental contract for scientific or meteorological purpose, hot air balloons that are recovered after launch and balloons released indoors.
A number of people spoke in support of the ordinance during the public hearing. Among them was Bill Stuempfig, of Tuckahoe in Upper Township, a boat captain and member of the Surfrider Foundation.
“We see too many balloons on our waterways,” he said. “This sends a good message about balloons, that when you buy them just be responsible with them.”
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