ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 120th Edition – Updated Videos/Client Photos, NE U.S. & GOM Spring/Summer Forecasts & Missing Boaters Boat Found


NEW on ROFFS™.com – Newly Released Northeastern U.S. Spring/Summer Forecast & Eastern G.O.M. Update ROFFS™ Northeastern U.S. Cape Hatteras to Massachusetts Spring/Summer Forecast We are providing another complimentary analysis of the overview of the ocean conditions during the week of April 25th to try to get everyone excited and motivated for the upcoming fishing season. We are again focusing on the northeast offshore region from Cape Hatteras to Virginia, New Jersey, New York to Massachusetts including all offshore canyons to provide some insight on the upcoming fishing season. We have included some spot sea surface temperatures (°F) of the main water masses and located the main eddy features with arrows indicating the flow direction of the water. Bottom line is, summer is approaching quickly and the waters are warming up so NOW is the time to get your boats ready, do not miss out on some early season tuna, wahoo, dolphin, shark and swordfish action. Contact ROFFS™ and get the up-to-date integrated fishing forecasting analysis to locate the best fishing conditions near you. Please click here to view the full high resolution analysis on our website now! ROFFS™ Northeastern GOM Spring Special Update

We are providing this complimentary analysis of the ocean conditions in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) using a combination of high-resolution SST satellite imagery from Saturday through Monday, April 23rd-25th, 2016. Overall, it now appears as if a large clockwise rotating oval shaped Loop Current eddy feature has detached from the main circulation of the Loop Current and is currently centered in the area near 86°45’W & 25°45’N. The northeastern side of this Loop Current eddy continues to push blue Loop Current water in a favorable inshore direction as far inshore of the 50-100 fathom depths west of Tampa to Naples, FL. Although the main body of the Loop Current is now located far southward west/southwest of the Florida Keys, we do continue to observe a pool of blue water with Loop Current origins, which continues to move northward between 83°30’W-84°00’W & 25°00’N-26°30’N and push as far inshore as the 40 fathom depths southwest of the Naples, FL area.

Northward, northwest of the circulation of the newly formed clockwise rotating Loop Current eddy feature, we were able to observe the counter-clockwise rotation of an eddy feature centered west of the Lloyd Ridge (centered near 86°45’-87°00’W & 27°30-40’N) which along with the momentum of the circulation of the Loop Current eddy continues to circulate a large mass of blue water over the De Soto Canyon, south of the Steps and southwestward towards the area south/southeast of the Mississippi River Delta. Early season reports of blue marlin along with Yellowfin tuna continue to be associated with this blue water. Please click here to view the full high resolution analysis on our website now! Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage

96 and Still Fishing!         96 Year Old Lady Lands Big Fish!! Video Courtesy: American Sport Fishing | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Amish Back Boat Down Like a Boss!        Watch this video and you will agree: Anyone can back down a boat using a truck if these guys can do it with horses. Video credit goes to Ron Browning of Tupelo, Mississippi. Video Courtesy: Louisiana Fishing Blog | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Mutton Vs. Lionfish!     Lionfish are invasive species that are encouraged to be harvested off of the reef. Typically, they do not have any predators, but Mr. Mutton didn’t get that memo. Video Courtesy: Into the Blue | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Marlin Movement Research with Satellite Tags!      The incredible tracks of all IGFA Great Marlin Race tags deployed on billfish in the Atlantic to date. With the continued support from tournament anglers the research program is yielding fascinating results. Video Courtesy: IGFA | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! How to Paint a Swordfish!          Marine Artist Bobby Boyle showing how to paint a swordfish. Video Courtesy: Bobby Boyle | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Sinking the Enemy!          
The hunt for six boats fishing illegally in Antarctica is finally over thanks to the Sea Shepherd. Video Courtesy: AJ+ | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Big Wave!          
Now that’s a wave! Video Courtesy: Wavelength Magazine | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Updated Client Photos 
Above: Great fishing action for ROFFS™ Client Jaryd Hurst (Rum Runners Revenge), out of Saint Augustine this past weekend.
Please click HERE to our newly updated 2016 client photo gallery on our website now! Boat Belonging to Missing Boys Found 9 Months Later off Bermuda Coast Article Courtesy: | By: Jillian Brynne \ CBS12 | Originally Published: April 23, 2016

The boat carrying Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen when they vanished last summer has been found off the coast of Bermuda, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

On March 18 while en route to Norway, a multi-purpose vessel named Edda Fjord discovered a capsized boat about 100-miles off of Bermuda. The commission confirmed the boat belonged to Austin Stephanos.

Families of both Austin and Perry were immediately notified of the new developments.

“Out of respect for the families, the FWC allowed them to release the information in their own time,” said PIO Rob Klepper.

Personal effects were found on board, but have not been specified by officials at this time. The boat is scheduled to arrive by shipping container to the United States on May 16th.

Perry’s mom Pamela Cohen shared her thoughts on the new discovery in a post on Facebook.

“This is an open missing persons case, and we hope that FWC reopens their investigation,” Pamela writes.

She mentions that an iPhone was recovered from the boat with hopes that agencies will be able to “extrapolate data” that would help piece together the puzzle of what happened.

Above: Photo of the boat belonging to Austin Stephanos being recovered off coast of Bermuda. (Photo by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) Please click here to read the full article on our website now! FIT’s Maul Named 2016 Medalist by Florida Academy of Sciences Press Release Courtesy: Adam Lowenstein, FIT News Bureau | Originally published: April 26, 2016

George Maul, Florida Institute of Technology’s distinguished professor of oceanography and the longtime head of the Department of Marine and Environmental Systems, has been named 2016 Medalist by the Florida Academy of Sciences.

He joins Terry Oswalt (2010) and John Trefry (2002) as just the third Florida Tech faculty member since the academy started awarding the medal in 1963 to receive one of Florida’s highest academic honors.

“I am overwhelmed to be added to the long list of illustrious Florida scientists who have received this singular honor,” Maul said, “and thrilled to join my Florida Tech colleagues in this elite distinction.”

Above: Florida Academy of Sciences 2016 Medalist George Maul, center, with David Karlen, left, the past-president of the academy, and current President Jeremy Montague. Please click here to read the full article on our website now!

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As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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