ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 79th Edition – Updated Videos/Catch Reports, FL West Coast Triple Crown & Removal of Canaveral Buoys
NEWSUpdated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage
Gaff Practice!
Dog Tubing!
Dog Tubing! Having Fun…Video Courtesy: Charlie Robison | Facebook
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Beautiful Wave!
Such a beautiful wave… he is still alive! Video Courtesy: ClubKing Concierge | Facebook
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The “Iron Man” of Billfishing Tournaments – 2015 Florida’s West Coast Triple Crown Billfish Series PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release | Courtesy: Old Salt Fishing Foundation | Jill Foraker – Secretary
The Gulf coast of Florida, not readily known for billfishing is a hidden gem among the billfishing world. You know about boats traveling to South America and other hot spot destinations to find these elusive fish. Off the West coast of Florida, approximately 100 miles or so, is the Loop Current and within this massive movement of water are gorgeous billed beasts anglers are in pursuit of. Most anglers that fish the Loop plan for more than a day trip, in fact most spend several days away from port fishing and catching all types of pelagics: Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish, Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo and more. We all know that most of these exclusive, extremely fortunate anglers are fishing on “floating condominiums,” but there are several hardcore center console teams as well. The facts remain, 3 days, 100 plus miles offshore, is extreme to the max and grueling on the body and mind but, a heck of an adventure! It’s non-stop fishing, all day, all night and this is why the West Coast Triple Crown has been coined the “Iron Man of Billfishing Events.” This series brings 3 extreme billfishing tournaments right to the backdoor of hundreds of anglers to fish the Gulf waters they call home.
The series has three individual tournaments with similar rules and regulations. Teams must fish in a minimum of two of these events to qualify for the prestigious Triple Crown; which comes with some well deserved bragging rights, a ring that looks like you just won the Super Bowl and a $50,000 cash jackpot to top it all off.
I learned last week that the NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center is planning to “dis-establish” (remove) both Cape Canaveral weather buoys. This means that in the spring 2016 buoy #41009 and #41010, the Canaveral and Canaveral East weather buoys will be gone. I spoke with the National Data Buoy Center, Stennis, MS. where Helmut Portman is Director. I was told me that these buoys are considered “special project” “NASA sponsored buoys” and “support by NASA was terminated.” I was also told that the official service notification on their website will be published in a few weeks.
Many users of this data (mariners, fishermen, scientists and other stakeholders) know that this buoy data is critical for the health and safety of all boats and ships, as well as, the general public. Surface wind, waves and water temperature data from these buoys are being used numerous times each day. The public has become dependent on these data. Boaters need the near-shore and offshore wind, wave and temperature conditions. In addition, I believe that these buoys are needed for models that evaluate hurricane formation potential and hurricane intensification as well. Presently there are no other offshore buoys off the east coast of Florida north of Miami, as the St. Augustine buoy was removed previously (Feb. 2014). Off Miami the Fowey Rock buoy has not been reporting data since January, 2015. In fact, around Florida there are only a few completely working buoys at all. Check and evaluate which buoys are working yourself.
Above: What Buoy 41010 looked like when deployed 120mi off the coast of Cape Canaveral | Image Courtesy:
Don’t Forget to Send Us Your Fishing Reports for our Weekly Catch Reports!
Above: Congratulations to the 2015 Gulf Coast Triple Crown Winners – Relentless Pursuit!
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