ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 75th Edition – Updated Videos/Catch Reports, Islands in the Stream & 2016 Miami Boat Show Dispute NEWS
Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage
Blowfish Escapes from Grouper
Blowfish Vs. Grouper and the strategy that works! Video Courtesy: Coral Vivo | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
Giant 14 Ft. 1000 Lb. Sawfish Catch in FL Keys
Steve Schwarz gets huge catch with Get Bent charters, and Captain Chris. Video Courtesy: Teresa Schwarz | YouTube
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
Lightning Strikes!
Slowed video shows lightning bolt at Daytona Beach, Florida. Video Courtesy: ABC News | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
This crocodile needs to be a little bit snappier if he wants some lunch…Video Courtesy: The Telegraph | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
Letter to the Editor: Islands in the Stream Submitted by: Skip Schexnayder | June 12, 2015
Sad site. There were actually 2 structures on this barge headed to the beach for scrap. Off of the Central LA coast where I grew up fishing, we have lost 75% of the platforms I fished with my dad and granddad. Reefing most of these structures in place should be a no-brainer! All are clearly charted, none are in shipping lanes, all user groups know where they are. No vessels drafting more than 20′ use any of these waters. In my area oil and gas platforms make up most of the hard bottom we have. What’s the problem?
Please click here to read more on “Islands in the Stream” on our website now!
Sides hold meeting to resolve Miami show dispute
Article courtesy: | Originally published June 16, 2015
Miami commissioners and members of the Key Biscayne Village Council were scheduled to hold a key joint meeting this morning in the hopes of resolving a dispute over plans to host the Miami International Boat Show at the Miami Marine Stadium Park and Basin.
The meeting, scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Miami Dade College, is part of a required mediation process triggered by a lawsuit Key Biscayne officials filed in February against the city of Miami, according to an article in the Miami Herald.
The suit, which entered into mediation shortly after being filed, challenges the city’s plans to build an $18 million event space and park outside the Marine Stadium and host the boat show’s feature event there in February.
Above Image Courtesy: CBS Miami
Please click here to read more on the dispute on the location of the 2016 Miami International Boat Show on our website now!
Don’t Forget to Send Us Your Fishing Reports for our Weekly Catch Reports!
Above: Another successful offshore trip with ROFFS™. Client Andrew Levinson (Seaflame) and friends, Indian River DE. Yellowfin, marlin and mahi, nice fish!!
Please click here to view the most recent catch reports on our website now!
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