ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 60th Edition – Updated Videos, Catching Big-Game Pelagics, NOAA Rejects Sanctuary Request in Atlantic & Blue Water in Norfolk Canyon NEWS
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Above: Kidcochiese Outdoors fishing down in Los Suenos, Costa Rica on the “FISHIZZLE” As we we trolling up Sailfish & Dorado, all hell broke loose on our starboard side. A 500-600lb Blue Marlin was chasing a huge Dorado, at least 25lbs. The Marlin made several attempts at the Dorado, and the last we saw of both of them was they passed 5 feet away from us the Dorado was on the tail of the marlin (I guess that’s the furthest place from his bill !!) We showed the video to a bunch of seasoned Costa Rican Fishermen, and they never saw anything like it. Obviously neither did we….Video Courtesy: Mark Garry | YouTube
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
Above: Four guys take cowling off and attempt to start engine on a Bass Tracker boat. Wait for it…it’s SO worth it! Video Courtesy: MIX 94 1 | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
Above: This is a movie of the recent sea surface temperature (SST) circulation of the Caribbean, eastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), south Florida and the southern Bahamas. This shows various relatively large eddy features south and southwest of Cuba along with many (and nearly constant) small eddies running through the Florida Keys (resulting in slower than usual fishing action). More comments on the Bahamas circulation for next month’s ROFFS™ annual Bahamas Fishing Forecast. Video Courtesy:
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!
How to Use Your Boat to Catch Big-Game Pelagic Fish Article courtesy: by Jim Hendricks | originally published 9/14/2014
A heart-throbbing scene unfolds on the deck of a sport-fisher as a marlin pops up in the trolling spread, dorsal flung high and pectorals aglow. With powerful, staccato sweeps of its massive tail, the billfish bursts toward the right flat line. All hell breaks loose as the billfish attacks. The crew scurries to action. A rod bends double. A clicker screams. Line melts away in a high?speed blur.
It is what offshore anglers live for.
Yet when it comes to big-game fish, this scenario seems to repeat more for some boats than others. Such “lucky” sport-fishers seem to possess mythical powers, raising innumerable fish from the depths as if by tractor beam.
But do boats really attract offshore species such as mahi, marlin, sailfish, tuna and wahoo? Are some boats more apt to raise offshore fish than others? And if so, what is it that causes fish to home in on such an unnatural object as a boat?
These are the questions to which I sought answers from a variety of offshore-angling experts who have fished around the world, from Hawaii to Cape Hatteras to Guatemala.
Above: Raising Havoc – Ascent to glory: What attracts pelagics such as sailfish to a sport-fishing boat? Many say it’s the same thing that draws offshore fish to floating objects. Photo by Marc Montocchio.
Please click here to read the full article from Sportfishing Magazine on how use your boat to catch big-game pelagics on our website now!
NOAA Rejects Sanctuary Request in Atlantic Article Courtesy: by Ted Lund | originally published March 1, 2015
A North Florida non-profit proposing a National Marine Sanctuary for Northern right whales and Oculina coral that would cover more than 7,000-square miles of ocean from Jacksonville to Fort Pierce is headed back to the drawing board after having its initial application rejected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
St. Augustine-based Friends of Matanzas requested Sanctuary status in hopes of placing the region off-limits to seismic testing and other forms of oil and gas exploration. The proposed Eubalaena Oculina National Marine Sanctuary would gets its name from the whales (Eubalaena) and corals (Oculina) it would protect.
Calls to FOM were not returned Friday, but the group has since reworked its application according to NOAA’s Southeast Regional Director of Sanctuaries, Billy Causey.
“We are expecting to receive the new application with revised boundaries and additional supporting information,” Causey said. “The footprint proposed was enormous and some of it is already protected under the Magnuson Act.”
Above: photo credit Florida Today file.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more on how NOAA rejects sanctuary request in the Atlantic on our website now!
Blue Gulf Stream Water Offshore Oregon Inlet Towards Norfolk Canyon
Article courtesy: | published March 2, 2015
Good chances for tuna, swordfish, mako sharks and wahoo action in the blue Gulf Stream (65°F-67°F) water that extends over the 100 fathom curve from Norfolk Canyon southward over “Foul Bottom area and further southward towards Oregon Inlet, as seen in this 24 hour composite of high resolution infrared SST satellite images from this past weekend (Saturday AM through Sunday AM).
Above: Offshore ocean conditions offshore of Cape Hatteras, NC northward towards the Norfolk Canyon showing location of blue water. Image courtesy:
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more on the location of the blue water offshore of Cape Hatteras, NC and towards the Norfolk Canyon and also to view the full high resolution image on our website now!
If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web. Safe and successful fishing until next time! As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at