There is direct Gulf Stream water (73°F-74°F) pushing over the 500-1000 fathom ledges between Poor Mans Canyon to Baltimore Canyon and toward Wilmington Canyon with a large counter-clockwise rotating Gulf Stream eddy centered farther south over the 1100-1300 fathom ledges east of Washington Canyon. This eddy system is pushing Gulf Stream related filament water (60°F-66°F) as far inshore as 40-50 and 100 fathom ledges between Norfolk Canyon to Washington Canyon and Poor Mans Canyon to Baltimore Canyon. These ocean conditions are rather unusual for this area and for this time of year to see the direct Gulf Stream this far north and inshore. The proximity of the Gulf Stream this close to the canyons creates some unique early spring chances at tuna, shark and swordfish action as well as yellowfin tuna, dolphin and wahoo action where you locate the 68°F-73°F direct Gulf Stream edges. This direct Gulf Stream water is expected to push even farther inshore and north into Baltimore to Wilmington Canyons and even Spencer Canyon during the next 24-48 hours, so if weather permits, call ROFFS™ for a report and take advantage of the early season canyon fishing.