NEWSHappy Holidays from ROFFS™
Above: It is that time of year. Season’s greetings from ROFFS™ (left to right: Candice, Sharon, Greg, Walt, Matt, Dan, Mitch, and Laura. Photo credit: ROFFS™
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Big Waves Like “Sea Monsters”
Video from Dec. 17, 2014 from | Ryan BrowarHere’s evidence that sea monsters do in fact exist…
Those things that surfers are riding in this video, they’re not waves. They’re sea monsters. BIG. F—KING. SEA MONSTERS. And that big wave spot Nazare in Portugal has spawned some of them again recently.
Nazare, as you’ll recall is like Jaws on steroids, is home to the biggest waves on Earth. Last fall, Carlos Burle saved Maya Gabeira’s life there, and it continues to be the focus of the largest wave riding in the world.
So that whole nor’easter that the Northeast U.S. had went through last week went across the Atlantic and did this. Again, sea monsters (as in big mountains of water), not waves.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to watch the full video on our website now…
Why the Plan to Dig a Canal Across Nicaragua Could Be a Very Bad Idea
Article by Greg Miller | –
click here for original article.By the end of this year, if a Chinese entrepreneur gets his way, digging will begin on a waterway that would stretch roughly 180 miles across Nicaragua to unite the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Giant container ships capable of carrying consumer electronics by the millions (or T-shirts by the billions) could begin making the passage by 2019, according to the most optimistic projections.
A canal across Nicaragua has been a dream of kings and entrepreneurs for centuries. Like the ill-fated schemes that preceded it, the newest incarnation has its share of interesting characters, rumors, and controversy. As word of the plan spreads, scientists and other experts are asking questions and finding potentially serious flaws. And they warn that the massive undertaking could become an environmental disaster with dubious financial benefits.
The Nicaraguan government sees the project as a desperately needed economic boost to the country, the poorest in the Western Hemisphere except for Haiti. In June, it awarded exclusive rights to build a canal to a newly created Chinese company, the Hong Kong Nicaragua Development Group. The company is led by Wang Jing, a 41-year old telecom executive. Wang Jing is little-known beyond China, and perhaps even within it, but in an interview with the Financial Times last year he called himself a “very ordinary Chinese citizen” who lives with his mother, younger brother, and daughter in Beijing.

Above: The Panama canal, shown here, may soon have a Nicaraguan rival. Photo credit: Scott Ableman/Flickr
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more on the issues of digging a new canal across Nicaragua on our website now…
Eat The Enemy: As Jellyfish Bloom, So Do Appetites Overseas
Article by Nick Visser & Eva Hill | published on 12/18/2014 –
please click here for original article.
It’s no secret that climate change is a problem for ocean dwellers. Coral reefs are suffering, mollusks are losing their skeletons and fish really don’t like it hot. The seas are changing. Yet for one gelatinous creature, the deader the oceans get, the better.
Enter the jellyfish: slimy, entrancing, dangerous and prolific. Over the past few decades, a trifecta of human activities has helped the creature’s populations boom — overfishing has removed their natural predators, fertilizer runoff has created low oxygen “dead zones” where they thrive, and acidification has melted the shells of shellfish, but left the jellies unscathed to bob about. Jellyfish blooms have become a major problem around the world far beyond the notorious sting to swimmers. They were responsible for the partial shutdown of a nuclear reactor last year. They’ve wrought havoc on fisheries around the globe, and they even contributed to the sinking of a 10-ton fishing boat in Japan in 2009.
So what are we to do, aside from bend a knee to our new jellyfish overlords? Simple answer: Eat them.

Above: photo credit Associated Press.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to view more on jellyfish on our website now…
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