Bisbee’s Launches Cabo Relief Effort
Please help fishing families in Cabo.
Wayne Bisbee, tournament director of the world-famous Bisbee’s Black & Blue Marlin Tournament in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, announced today a comprehensive aid plan to help the under-privileged residents of Cabo San Lucas recover from this week’s devastating Hurricane Odile. The Category 3 storm came ashore early Monday at the tip of the Baja Peninsula and caused wide-spread damage. The full extent is still being assessed, but thousands of the less-fortunate are now homeless and in need of immediate assistance.
“We’re creating a call to action throughout the global sport-fishing family to help those who have suffered so much in this natural disaster,” Bisbee says. “We’re donating $250,000 in seed money to the Bisbee’s Cabo Relief Fund and ask our generous fellow anglers to help out by donat-ing themselves. The money will be routed through the Rotary Club International’s Boulder City, Nevada Club to get where it’s needed the most.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more and for a link to donate on our website…
Watch a Pod of Orcas Stalk, Attack and Feast on a Tiger Shark
They don’t call them killer whales for nothing. In this gorgeous footage from filmmaker Edwar Herreño, a pod of six orcas make a meal out of a tiger shark in the waters off Costa Rica.
Herreño isn’t just a photographer and filmmaker, he’s also a marine biologist. His work has appeared on CNN, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, and BBC. He’s also a yacht captain and SCUBA instructor.
Please click HERE to read more on this topic and to watch this video now on our website…

(Above: Pod of Orcas stalking a Tiger Shark in the waters offshore of Costa Rica – credit Edwar Herreño.)
The Gulf of Alaska is Unusually Warm, and Weird Fish are Showing up
A skipjack tuna caught off the Copper River in Alaska. There had been one confirmed documentation of such a fish in Alaska in the 1980s. (Courtesy of Alaska Department of Fish and Game.)
Something odd is happening in Northern Pacific waters: They’re heating up. In fact, it hasn’t been this warm in parts of the Gulf of Alaska for this long since researchers began tracking surface water temperatures in the 1980s, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The warming began last year in the Gulf of Alaska and has since beendubbed “The Blob” by Nick Bond, of the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean. Temperatures have been as high as about 5 degrees Fahrenheit (3 Celsius) above average.
Please click here to read more on this subject on our website now…

A skipjack tuna caught off the Copper River in Alaska. There had been one confirmed documentation of such a fish in Alaska in the 1980s. (Courtesy of Alaska Department of Fish and Game.)
How a Drone Busted an Illegal Fishing Operation
In Sunday night’s episode of The Operatives, Pete Bethune and his commando team deployed a drone to find fishing boats illegally trawling in a Costa Rican marine sanctuary. In this week’s “Captain’s Vlog” (
video here), Bethune reveals that they later discovered the boat they intercepted was operated by “one of the kingpins of Costa Rican fishing.”
The captain and his crew were trawling the bottom of the seabed with weighted nets in the supposedly off-limits ocean sanctuary, scooping up all marine life, not just the fish the boat meant to catch. It’s like strip-mining the ocean. Bethune turned over the evidence his team collected to Costa Rican prosecutors.
Trawling by ships big and small is a major contributor to overfishing, driving species such as the bluefin tuna to extinction. After the nonprofit Oceana analyzed federal fisheries data, it estimated that 22 percent of catch is thrown overboard annually in the United States alone. That so-called bycatch includes dolphins, seals, sea turtles, and other marine life. Beyond the decimation of marine life, all that waste costs the U.S. fishing industry an estimated $1 billion a year.
Please click HERE to read more how they used a drone to bust an illegal fishing operation on our website…

(Above: Costa Rican fishing trawler – credit takepart.com/The Operatives.)
Updated Catch Reports Section of ROFFS™ Website

Thank you to ROFFS™ client Brad Durham fishing aboard his 26′ boat offshore of NC last week for sending in the nice shot of this SMOKER kingfish. (See Photo Above.)
Be sure to visit the section titled “Catch Reports” located under the “Insights” tab on our ROFFS™ website that will feature current catch reports from areas such as the Northeastern U.S., North Carolina/Hatteras, South Carolina/Georgia, Florida, the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico. We continue to post weekly updates in this category so please check back often.
Please click HERE to view last week’s catch reports…
Thank you to ROFFS™ client Danilo Garcia fishing on the “Sin Bin” for sending in the phone of his nice tuna catch this past weekend (See Photo Above.)
Swedish Kayak-Angler Sets New Unofficial Record with 1,247 Pound Shark
An angler from Sweden has shattered the unofficial record for heaviest fish caught from a kayak, after reeling in an estimated 1,247-pound Greenland shark on September 1.
A story from GrindTV says angler and Jackson Kayak pro-staffer Joel Abrahamsson paddled his kayak about a mile off Norway’s Andørja Island, plying water 1,600 feet deep, with a goal of breaking the unofficial record set in 2008 by a kayaker who caught and released a 400-pound salmon shark in Alaska. Marine scientists and a camera crew accompanied Abrahamsson in another boat to document his record-setting effort as part of an ongoing study of the sharks. It took a few hours to finally coax a bite, and after he hooked the shark, it took about 90 minutes to bring it to the surface.
Please click here to read more on the massive 1,247 Greenland shark on our website…
Swedish Kayak-Angler Joel Abrahamsson fighting his record breaking 1,247 Greenland shark. (credit – fieldandstream.com)
Dead Giant Squid Found by Fishermen Off Texas Coast
About 100 miles off the Texas Gulf Coast city of Matagorda, a young fisherman named Michael Belvin and his friends came upon what they thought was an oversized white plastic trash bag floating in the water.
It turned out that Belvin and pals found not garbage remnants but a giant squid — a rare sight anywhere, let alone in Gulf Coast waters. The squid measured about 10 feet long and weighed 200 pounds.
Belvin told KTRK-TV that the squid was missing roughly half of its body and looked to have been the victim of an attack by another creature, perhaps a shark.
Please click here to read more on this story now on our website…
Alien autopsy? Nope. It’s a giant squid undergoing an examination by Spanish scientists. (credit – Getty Images.)
If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web. Safe and successful fishing until next time!