Eleventh Edition of ROFFS™ Fishy Times – Clean Indian RIver Lagoon, New LED Lights & Upcoming Tournaments

Clean Indian RIver Lagoon, New LED Lights & Upcoming Tournaments


ORCA has created a Campaign for a Clean Indian River Lagoon

In 2005, internationally recognized deep-sea explorer Dr. Edith Widder founded the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA), a scientific based conservation nonprofit. “Our focus is on reversing the trend of oceanic and near-shore marine ecosystem degradation using the scientific integrity of a research institute,” said Dr. Widder. ORCA’s goal is to revolutionize how scientists interact with communities and policy makers to reverse the frightening trend of water quality degradation as well as the general collapse of the aquatic ecosystems that surround us, including the Indian River Lagoon. Please click here to read more on our website…


East Coast Climate Change and Fisheries Governance Workshop – Washington D.C. March 19-21, 2014

The purpose of this workshop was to convene managers and staff of the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC), Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC), South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC), Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), and NOAA Fisheries (NMFS) to discuss the potential governance challenges arising from the impacts of climate change on East Coast marine fisheries. Please click here to read more on this workshop on our website…


America Tosses Nearly 20 Percent of All the Fish We Catch

The images are heartwrenching: a sweet young sea lion found in Hawaii bearing a gash in its neck after being tangled in fishing line. A graceful sea turtle snarled in a net at risk of drowning. A lifeless dolphin caught in a gill net off California’s coast.

From sharks, salmon, rockfish, and crabs to lesser-known species such as tilefish, porgies, and lookdowns, bycatch—the unintended capture of non-targeted fish or marine life—happens every day in U.S. waters.

In a report, Oceana analyzed federal fisheries data that shows American fishermen are discarding up to 22 percent of their catch and identified nine fisheries it says are the worst offenders. Please click here to read more on our website…


Macris Industries launches improved LED lines for 2014

Macris Industries Inc (MI), a design and manufacturing company in Mystic, CT, announces its improved line of marine LED luminaires for 2014.  These new luminaires represent a number of enhancements to the MIU and AL Series which debuted in January of 2013.

The new LED luminaires continue MI’s trend of bringing cutting-edge technologies to market; the original versions pioneered ultra-thin, unibody design in the marine LED market.  The new versions, dubbed V2 for version two, are brighter, thinner, and even tougher than their predecessors. Please click here to read more about this new and exciting product on our website…


If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!

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