ROFFS™ is a scientific consulting company based in West Melbourne, Florida (U.S.A.) that is involved with fisheries oceanography, environmental science, and satellite remote sensing.


All of our operational fish forecasting products are designed to allow fishing vessels to concentrate their fishing effort in the most productive waters to increase operational efficiency. The analyses incorporate numerous factors including water temperature, water color, orientation of local currents, history of ocean fronts, bottom topography, biological quality of the water (chlorophyll, plankton, clarity, colored dissolved organic matter, etc.), forage preference of the target species, availability of forage, as well as, bio-geochemical habitat preferences of the forage and target species.

Our analyses have been used successfully by commercial, professional tournament, recreational fishermen and researchers for a variety of fish species including tuna, marlin, sailfish, swordfish, mahi, wahoo, shark, mackerel, sardine, anchovy, pilchard, herring, bluefish, squid, as well as, cod and hake.

ROFFS™ is the BEST because we:

Provide a comprehensive fishing analysis that is designed for fishing.

Integrate all the important ocean conditions (satellite and non-satellite).

Evaluate how these conditions are related to locating feeding concentrations of fish based on more than 30 years of research, fishing experience, and success.

Have an extended fishing information network;

Provide the most value for your money and time.


If winning tournaments is any indication of how good we are, then absolutely. During the 2023 fishing season, our clients won 744 different categories in 65 major tournaments (reported to us) while using our analyses. Over the last 30+ years the total numbers of reported winners tallies at 11,556. You do not have to fish tournaments to use ROFFS™.

Our clients still tell us that they fish our ROFFS™ Hot Spot selections and catch fish 85% of the time with plenty more fish when the conditions are particularly good.


  • Four world records
  • One Bahamas record
  • One U.S. overall record
  • One Gulf of Mexico record
  • 26 state records