Using Satellite Imagery to Aid Fishing Community, Tropical Tuna Tagging, BP Discovery & More – ROFFS™ Fishy Times – 259th Edition – January 9th, 2019


Using Satellite Imagery to Aid the Fishing Community

Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service (ROFFS™) uses IDL and ENVI software and routines to take raw NOAA, NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) satellite data and process them to a user-friendly format to analyze for private industry and scientific research needs.  More specifically we developed IDL and ENVI code and utilized their routines to download real-time satellite data and then georeference, re-project, and calibrate the images and output them to a usable format. The two case studies outlined below use IDL and ENVI to help fisherman find the most productive areas to fish, and tracking contaminated runoff from Hurricane Florence.

Guiding Fisherman to the Most Productive Regions

Figure 1 is a schematic showing the ENVI outputted sea surface temperature (SST) image of the Southeast United States region in grayscale (white = clouds, darker grey = warmer water).  The outlined region in black is an example of a predefined cut out area offshore of South Carolina and Georgia within the Gulf Stream region. We further analyze the ocean conditions in this cut out area using internal techniques and provide an overall mapped product for the fisherman (shown in color).  ROFFS™ incorporates a number of different satellite data products to derive the most important ocean parameters to guide the fishing community to the better offshore conditions to be most productive for their target species.  The end result is blown up and shown in color where we provide a customized map displaying ocean frontal boundaries, water current flow, bottom structure, eddy features, SST and water color overlaid on detailed bottom structure and georeference information.  Finally, based on all these factors and experience we pinpoint the locations with dots and stability information to where the best spots to fish are located.  This saves our clients time and fuel and makes fishing trips more efficient and enjoyable. Please click HERE to read the full article on our website now! ATTENTION All Anglers: Tropical Tuna Tagging Program

The Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Program (AOTTP) was established by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in 2015 to study key aspects of bigeye, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna life history and movements in the Atlantic Ocean. Over a five year period, the AOTTP aims to partner with scientists and commercial and recreational tuna fishermen to tag at least 120,000 tropical tuna with conventional and/or electronic tags throughout the Atlantic. The data generated from these tags will be essential in improving understanding of these important species, which will enhance fisheries management and promote sustainability of the stocks.  Given the status of the stocks, data on tropical tunas are desperately needed to preserve fishing opportunities in the western North Atlantic.

As part of the AOTTP, Dr. Walt Golet from the University of Maine will be working with colleagues at the New England Aquarium, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, University of Miami, and NOAA Fisheries to deploy 5,000 conventional tags on bigeye, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna in the western North Atlantic from Canada to Venezuela, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. However, to do this, we need your help! If you are interested in participating in the AOTTP project and would like to volunteer to tag bigeye, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna, simply contact Dr. Walt Golet ( and we can provide you with more information on how to become involved in this free program. Signing up is easy. Just provide your contact information and mailing address and we will send you all the necessary information, instructions, and materials to start tagging tuna. Every fish tagged will not only allow you to become involved in important scientific research, but also give you a chance to win one of 20 individual cash prizes totaling more than $39,000 US dollars that will be awarded at the end of the project.

For more information visit:

Or call Dr. Golet at 1-207-351-5413.

Please click HERE to read more on our website now! BP Just Discovered a Billion Barrels of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico Article Courtesy: | Originally published: January 8, 2019 | By: Tom DiChristopher

BP’s investment in next-generation technology just paid off to the tune of a billion barrels of oil.

The British energy company has discovered 1 billion barrels of crude at an existing oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico. BP also announced two new offshore oil discoveries and a major new investment in a nearby field.

BP is the Gulf of Mexico’s biggest producer, and it’s making strides to hold that title.

BP now expects its fossil fuel output from the region to reach 400,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day by the middle of the next decade. Today, it produces about 300,000 barrels, up from less than 200,000 barrels about five years ago.

On Tuesday, the company said it will spend $1.3 billion to develop a third phase of its Atlantis field off the coast of New Orleans. Scheduled to start production in 2020, the eight new wells will add 38,000 bpd to BP’s production at Atlantis. The decision comes after BP found another 400 million barrels of oil at the field.

BP made the massive 1 billion-barrel discovery at its Thunder Horse field off the tip of Louisiana. Above: Image Courtesy – Sean Gardner | Reuters Please click HERE to read the full article on our website now!

Please click HERE for more information! PLEASE NOTE that we are currently open until 5:00 PM EDT Monday through Friday and CLOSED on Saturday until May 2019.  Please order by 2:00PM EST 10/1/2018-3/31/2019, order by 3:00 PM 4/1/2019-9/30/2019.  We may also remain open later some days based on demand and workload. Please call the office (321.723.5759) or email the office ( with any questions/concerns.  Thank you! Please click HERE to place your order online today… Backlash? Feedback?


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