Last Chance for Pre-Season Discount Plans, Bahamas Seasonal Forecast Preview, New Videos & MORE – ROFFS™ Fishy Times – 217th Edition – March 7th, 2018


LAST CHANCE for ROFFS™ Pre-Season Multi-Analyses Discount Plans

Following two successful boat shows (Miami International and Atlantic City) over the past three weeks, ROFFS™ would like to announce that we are extending our pre-season discounts for multi-analyses plans until the close of business (5PM) this Friday, March 9th, 2018!  If you have not yet taken advantage of our pre-season discounts you now have until Friday to purchase your plans online using this link or by calling the office at (321)723.5759.  These plans apply to our offshore recreational fishing analyses along the U.S. East Coast, Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico, and Cabo San Lucas. All analyses are available in color via email (as PDF), or in black and white via fax. When considering what plan you want remember that every fishing trip is important! Please click here for more information on our website! Why ROFFS™ is BEST! As more and more so-called “fish finding” services, internet websites, and apps. become available, choosing ROFFS™ over others may be less of an obvious decision now. There are a number of so-called “services,” that offer anything from simple sea surface temperature, chlorophyll, altimeter contour maps to very pretty color satellite images including ocean models. However, ROFFS™ is still the BEST because we: 1) provide a comprehensive fishing analysis that is designed for fishing; 2) integrate all the important ocean conditions (satellite and non-satellite); 3) evaluate how these conditions are related to locating feeding concentrations of fish based on decades of research, fishing experience, and success; 4) have an extensive fishing information network; 5) send the information in an easy to use format; and 6) provide the most value for your money and time.


VALUE: ROFFS™ provides an inexpensive fishing forecasting analysis considering the quality of the product. Our clients tell us that they find fish most of the time (85%) at our suggested “hot spot” locations, particularly those “spots” that have existed the longest. Clients often find fish on the way to our “hot spots”. When you consider the costs (fuel, time, and investment) involved in searching for fish, the price of our analysis is well worth the savings in fuel and time alone. ROFFS™ takes every step to make every fishing day a success as we know that every fishing trip is important. Why limit yourself to dock or radio rumors, static sea temperature or chlorophyll based plankton or water clarity maps, colorized images or models and images, or “super-secret” fishing reports, when we provide expertise, professional experience and service? By the time you read about it on the fish blogs, chat rooms, other social media, it is history. ROFFS™ is the only service that forecasts where the fish will be concentrated when you are fishing. We are focused on finding fish and providing quality service.

ROFFS™ has flexible pricing for the integrated fishing analyses. Others make great promises with inexpensive derived products, and mass produced colorized satellite images that are inferior imitations of our time tested and field proven fishing oceanographic analyses. Some universities and governmental organizations provide a variety of satellite data for free. However, with images you still have to guess where the fish will be found. How much extra time and money do you have to lose when producing an amateur’s guess, after considering that we provide a professional interpreted comprehensive analysis as result of a dedicated business with years of experience and success? What is your time and investment in your boat worth? Can you really afford to guess? If fish is what you want, then call ROFFS™ because we will save you time and money while putting you on the fish.

Please click here to read MORE on Why ROFFS™ is BEST on our website! New/Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Click the “Hot News” Button on ROFFS™ Homepage ROFFS™ Bahamas Seasonal Forecast Preview!           Preview of our seasonal Bahamas blue marlin and yellowfin tuna seasonal forecast for the Bahamas to Florida east coast to the southeast US to Georges Bank which is based on the flow of the Bahamas blue water from the Cat Island, Long Island and San Salvador northward-northwestward-northeastward. Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Fresh Fish!          Fish jumps right Into grocery shopping cart! Video Courtesy: CHANNEL IS FIRE | YouTube Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Spitting Fish!     The archerfish hunts by spitting. It controls the water jets it shoots at prey in a way that no other creature does. Video Courtesy: The New York Times – Science | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Thousands of Blacktip Sharks! Incredible aerial footage shows thousands of blacktip sharks migrating to the coast of South Florida, the largest migration in U.S. coastal waters. In prior years, researchers have spotted as many as 15,000 sharks on any given day Video Courtesy: ABC News | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Amazing! This is so satisfying! Watch until the end! Video Courtesy: Positive News Network | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! NOAA Fisheries Announces Emergency Regulations to Address Overfishing of North Atlantic Shortfin Mako Sharks NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) announces an interim final rule to adopt internationally recommended management measures in the Atlantic highly migratory species (HMS) fisheries.  The emergency rule implements management measures to address overfishing of North Atlantic shortfin mako sharks.  These measures are based on the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna’s (ICCAT’s) Standing Committee for Research and Statistics (SCRS) benchmark stock assessment for North Atlantic shortfin mako sharks, which found the stock to be overfished with overfishing occurring. Please click HERE to read more on our website now!

Backlash? Feedback?

As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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