Dolphin Upends Surfer & New Updated Ft. Myers to Tortugas Analysis Area – ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 166th Edition – March 15th, 2017


Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage Sushi Anyone?                             This must have been from a huge tuna. Hmm this makes me hungry. What about you? Wants me want to go catch some especially since it will be an early tuna season this year. Plus the conditions look good now. Video Courtesy: SpearChannel | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Dolphin Wipes Out Surfer!                       This video of a large dolphin wiping out a surfer looks painful. But surfer Sam Yoon seems to have loved every moment of his close encounter off Australia’s Gold Coast with the leaping aquatic mammal this week. Video Courtesy: 9 News Gold Coast | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Spring Break?                         Who’s ready for spring break??? Video Courtesy: In the NOW | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Hippo Ramp!                       This adorable baby hippo got her own ramp to get in and out of the pool. Video Courtesy: ABC7 | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! New Updated ROFFS™ Analysis Areas – Tampa Offshore and Ft. Myers to Tortugas     After much deliberation and input from clients, we have decided to add a new fishing analysis area – Ft. Myers to the Tortugas Offshore. It covers offshore of the southwestern FL coast (Ft. Myers/Naples area) westward out to approximately 1800 fathoms. This area is located south of our also newly updated Tampa Offshore analysis. Please click here or the image below to view samples of this new area or to place your order now. Please contact the office at 800.677.7633 or if you have any questions.                      Please click HERE to view the new areas and to place your order for the new areas on our website now! Bluefin!                       Bluefins off Key Largo last week. Video Courtesy: Shane Pyle | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Uber Shark!                        Who needs an Uber when you have a shark around. Video Courtesy: Spotmydive | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! FL in 1951!                        Old school is sooooo cool! Video Courtesy: Boat lifestyle | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Letter to the Editor: N-146 Fishing Closure Speak Up Letter to the Editor Courtesy: Bruce Marx One of the things that I have learned through participating in the Bent Range Marker and fishing closure issues is that there are many anglers who do not hear about issues until it is too late. I would like all my fishing friends who are members of fishing clubs to please message me with the name and email addresses of the board of directors/officers of their fishing clubs. I want to create a master contacts list for these fishing club representatives who can pass on information to their respective members. There is no excuse in this day and age to have things like attempts to establish no take zones in our fishery occurring without everyone knowing about it and/or voicing their opinions against it.

I know there are some that do not get involved with issues involving our natural resources because of the thought that nobody will listen. From my personal experience with the N-146 fishing closure and other local issues, our voices can be and are heard if we simply speak up and support these causes. Please take a moment to view this important issue concerning the future of our waters.

Please click HERE to read the full letter to the editor on our website now! Backlash? Feedback?

As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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