ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 162nd Edition – Miami Boat Show Reminder, How ROFFS™ can Help YOU & Updated Videos

NewsletterHeaderDEC2013bWEB ROFFS™ – 2017 Miami International Boat Show & Discount Plans REMINDER! ROFFS™ will be exhibiting at the 2017 Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show this week, from Thursday, February 16th, through Monday, February 20th, 2017 at the improved Miami Marine Stadium Park & Basin, Virginia Key, FL.ROFFS™ will be located in the Sport Fishing Tent (Booth D306) – see map below. Stop by the ROFFS™ booth and chat with Dr. Roffer, and one of our expert fisheries oceanographers Greg Gawlikowski. Find out about our 2017 fishing plans, packages (click here) and special boat show discounts (click here). Come visit to just to talk fishing or fisheries oceanography! Free gift certificates available for interested people. We will add this to your seasonal discount plan also available at the show. Come to see what great marketing opportunities ROFFS™ provides advertisers to our very exclusive audience. Please click HERE to read more about ROFFS™ and the 2017 Miami International Boat Show on our website now! Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage Oregon Inlet – Hold On!                         Outbound on Oregon Inlet bar on board a CG 47′ MLB. Hold on! Video Courtesy: U.S. Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! 950 Lb. Blue Marlin!                          When people ask why you love fishing, show them this!! Video Courtesy: Billfish Movement | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Whale Shark!                        Every Whale Shark Is A Memory…Video Courtesy: Ocean Reality Channel | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Up Close!                        Have you ever seen this in person? Video Courtesy: Into the Blue | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Racing!                        Ocean racing up close. Video Courtesy: Karim Maataoui | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Stars!                        Some stars can be the size of a planet, others can be more than 1,400 times bigger than the Sun. Different types of stars are shown to scale in this European Southern Observatory visualization. Video Courtesy: | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! ROFFS™ Will Put YOU on the Fish Again and Again… Time and fuel costs are always important considerations when trying to locate and catch fish. Before you leave the dock ROFFS™ will show you where the fish concentrations are located by sending you the most comprehensive oceanographic analysis for fishing available today. You will travel directly to the concentrations of fish faster and because you will reduce your search time, you will be saving fuel and money. You will catch more fish per hour and more fish per gallon of fuel. The locally focused fishing forecast analyses are accomplished by ROFFS™ expert fisheries oceanographers who evaluate the local and regional oceanographic conditions using their knowledge and experience on fish migration, feeding behavior, and catchability (availability and vulnerability). The analyses are genuine science-based decision making tools that show you where your best chances occur for catching fish. Day after day, season after season, and year after year our clients tell us that ROFFS™ provides the roadmaps to the fish that are critical to their catch successes. WE ARE THE DIFFERENCE MAKERS YOU WANT ON YOUR FISHING TEAM ROFFS™ is a field proven and time tested service in providing fishing forecasting analyses. Five IGFA world records, two United States records, one Bahamas record, one Gulf of Mexico record and 27 state records have been set by our clients when using our analyses (please click here to view records online). If winning tournaments is any indication of how accurate and reliable we are, then the results that our clients have achieved clearly show that our analyses make a difference. During the 2016 fishing season, our clients won 519 different final categories in just 114 major tournaments (reported to us) while using our analyses for that event. Over the last 26 years the total numbers of reported winners tallies at 7912 (please click here to view 2016 ROFFS™ winners). You do not have to fish tournaments to use ROFFS™. Our clients still tell us that they fish our ROFFS™ Hot Spot selections and catch fish 85% of the time with plenty more fish when the conditions are particularly good. Please click HERE to read more on how ROFFS™ can help you find fish faster now!

Workshop Announcement: Characterizing Changing Ocean Conditions Affecting Resilience of Coastal Communities, Land and Ocean Use

MARACOOS, working with MARCO and partners, will convene a workshop to advance our understanding of the impacts of changing ocean conditions on fisheries ecology in the region.   It will be held April 4-5 at Rutgers. Participation in the workshop will be drawn from expertise within MARACOOS and MARCO as well as strategic invitations to federal and industry partners currently engaged in activities linking ecology with living resource management. The goals of the workshop are to:

  1. Identify regional data sources and assets within MARACOOS and MARCO relevant to ecological observation and modeling.
  2. Identify gaps that need to be filled in order to more efficiently develop comprehensive tools that support ecologically informed management.
  3. Inventory existing efforts in the state, Mid-Atlantic Region, federal and private sectors that explore how changing ocean conditions (physical oceanography) may reflect ecosystem shifts that are impacting fisheries and living marine resource of cross-regional importance.
  4. Develop an initial strategy to improve communication among these efforts so that planning tools better characterize the structure of the ocean to help drive better policy, and fish community level analysis (both hind- and forecasting).
As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!]]>

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