ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 134th Edition – Updated Videos/Client Photos, 2016 White Marlin Open & Save our Lagoon Brevard County, FL

NewsletterHeaderDEC2013bWEB Save Our Lagoon Project Plan and Commission Meeting Agendas

Here are all the most recent documents related to the plan to save the Indian River Lagoon. There are documents related to the Save our Lagoon Project Plan and to the Commission Meeting Agendas.

Included in the save our Lagoon Project Plan is the actual Plan and Attachment F which shows the ballot that the Brevard County Commissioners will consider at the August 09, 2016 meeting. These items on Attachment F are to select which one will be put on the ballot in November for taxpayers to vote on.

ROFFS™ supports Option 4 which we believe to be the fairest method to achieve our goal of restoring the Indian River Lagoon. This spreads the financial burden to everyone equally in Brevard including those who come from out of town to work, visit, or vacation here. We do not think it is fair to put the burden on only the property owners. Remember this is this is just the selection of items that will go on the ballot in November.

Option 4: Save Our Indian River Lagoon ½ Sales Tax Referendum

To restore the Indian River Lagoon through financing, planning, constructing, maintaining, and operating capital improvements and capital maintenance projects and programs designed to improve water quality, fish, wildlife and marine habitat, remove muck and reduce pollution, shall an ordinance be approved levying a ½ cent sales tax for ten years and requiring deposit of all revenue to a Save Our Lagoon Trust Fund solely for such projects, with citizen committee oversight and annual independent audits?

Please click HERE to read the entire article and to view all the related documents on our website now! 2016 Ocean City White Marlin Open – Place your Order Online Now!

You do not have to use ROFFS™ to win at the White Marlin Open, but it certainly helps. In the last 13 years (2003-2015), we had many clients who won a total of 142 major categories at this Ocean City tournament. These totals do not include the daily or Calcutta winners. In 2015 there were many winners including 1st & 2nd Place White Marlin, 1st & 2nd Place Boat, 1st & 2nd Place Release, 1st Place Tuna, 1st Place Dolphin, for a total of 13 winners (not counting the daily and Calcutta winners). In the 2008 tournament, the Maryland State Blue Marlin Record and first place winner was set by one of our clients.

We are ready to help you find and catch the next winning fish and next record fish. Our clients still tell us that they fish our ROFFS Hot Spot selections and catch fish 85% of the time and more when the conditions are favorable! They value our expertise and call us regularly to discuss our fishing oceanographic analyses. They certainly do not want to guess using internet or radio delivered satellite images or other less meaningful products.

Above: Special ROFFS™ northeastern U.S. analysis from the 2015 Ocean City White Marlin Open. Please click HERE to read the entire article and to place your order via our online VIP order form on our website now! Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage

Amazing Blue Marlin Footage!          Kidcochiese Outdoors fishing down in Los Suenos, Costa Rica on the “FISHIZZLE” As we we trolling up Sailfish & Dorado, all hell broke loose on our starboard side. A 500-600lb Blue Marlin was chasing a huge Dorado, at least 25lbs. The Marlin made several attempts at the Dorado, and the last we saw of both of them was they passed 5 feet away from us the Dorado was on the tail of the marlin (I guess that’s the furthest place from his bill !!) We showed the video to a bunch of seasoned Costa Rican Fishermen, and they never saw anything like it. Obviously neither did we….Video Courtesy: Mark Garry | YouTube Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! 14′ Hammerhead Offshore FL Coast!        Video of the giant 14′ Great Hammerhead Shark we came across while fishing this past weekend. The biggest any of us has ever seen. To put it into perspective, that dorsal fin was pushing 4′ long. “You’re gonna need a bigger boat..” Video Courtesy: The Sailsmen Fishing Team | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Swimming Bat – BATstroke!            Dracula on vacation. Yes, bats can swim! Video Courtesy: Damn You Banana | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Mutton Vs. Lionfish!          Lionfish are invasive species that are encouraged to be harvested off of the reef. Typically, they do not have any predators, but Mr. Mutton didn’t get that memo. Video Courtesy: Into the Blue | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! 4 Year Old Throws Castnet!             4 year old Kellan Hunt catching bait like a boss! Special thanks to Courtland Hunt for the awesome video and teaching Kellan everything he knows. Keep up the good work guys! Video Courtesy: The Online Fisherman | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Vintage Bimini Footage!            It’s Tuna Tuesdays! check out this amazing vintage footage from Bimini, Bahamas during the heyday of bluefin tuna fishing. Brought to you from the archives of IGFA’s E. K. Harry Library of Fishes, the world’s largest library built to preserve and share the history of our sport. With a small annual membership you can support the IGFA because its our mission to promote conservation of game fish, responsible angling practices and preserving the history of our sport. Video Courtesy: IGFA | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Now that’s Surfing!            Threading the needle. Video Courtesy: World Surf League | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Penguin Visit!            Every year, this penguin travels 5,000 miles to visit the man who saved him.  Video Courtesy: Upworthy | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Updated Client Photos 
Above: ROFFS™ Client Scott McCune put em on them again in Texas.
Please click HERE to our newly updated 2016 client photo gallery on our website now! NEWSLetter to the Editor: Letter to those who love Florida  Letter Courtesy: | By: Bob Jones | Originally Published: August 2, 2016


There are 20,636,975 residents in Florida according to the Census. The Orlando Sentinel recently reported; “Despite the record year of 97.3 million tourists, Florida fell short of reaching Scott’s goal of having 100 million tourists visit in 2014. Nearly 94 million people visited the state the previous year.”[1] Residents plus tourists add up to almost 115,000,000 people impacted by the 3-2 vote of the Environmental Regulation Commission (ERC).

Florida’s seafood and recreational fishing industries and myriad marine related businesses generate an economic impact worth tens of billions of dollars. All the marine industries of Florida are in jeopardy if our waters become further polluted by newly approved toxins, more toxic industrial wastes and unregulated water discharges. Besides the economic impact of dirty water, what are the social costs to the people and communities adversely impacted by dirty water?

The Florida Seafood Marketing Program touts the health benefits of eating seafood. This is recognized and promoted by the American Heart Association. It was disconcerting to read that the St. Johns Riverkeeper spokesman said, “The more fish we eat, the more chemicals we ingest.” What a detrimental statement for fishermen and the fishing industry. All fish were tarred in one inaccurate sentence.

The question from all Floridians should be; Why should three unelected ERC commission members vote to increase the chance of getting cancer to 1 per 10,000 instead of the current 1 per 100,000? The goal should be reducing chance of getting cancer to 1 per 1,000,000 at least.

Please click HERE to read the full letter to the editor on our website now! Backlash? Feedback?

As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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