ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 130th Edition – Updated Videos/Client Photos & Satellite Imagery Showing Polluted Waters Reaching Georgia


Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage

Pay Attention!        It’s heartbreaking for all of us who live, work and play along the lagoon to see how the quality of the water has declined. To understand how we got here we must confront the brutal truth. Go beyond searching the branches and acknowledge the roots to find the answers. Those roots start with us. How we live. How we changed the land. How we dispose of our waste. As a human community, we have become disconnected from nature. We have forgotten that our lives, our economy, our health, and even the food we eat, are all connected to the land. The responsibility and the ability to change lies within the hands of each individual in the community and their daily decisions. Remember that choosing not to decide or act is still making a decision. It still leads to an outcome. Video Courtesy: Balance for Earth | YouTube – Video Credit: Dylan Hansen Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Tarpon Vs. Shark!        Man grabs a giant Hammerhead Shark trying to save a Tarpon! Respect! Video Courtesy: Fishbrain | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Yellowfin Stomach!         See whats in the stomach of a freshly caught yellowfin tuna. Video Courtesy: Mitch Lattof III | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Tournament Recon!          Has been an absolutely crazy 3 days of tournament recon. Hung a 410 mako released a 350+ thresher literally on the exact number as the big mako the day before. . Released 2 other makos and over 30 blue sharks in 3 back to back trips. Beat is not the word!! Video Courtesy: Louis James DeFusco | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Walking on Water!            Walking on water! Video Courtesy: People Are Awesome | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Shark Vs. Shark!        UNDERWATER ATTACK: A fisherman captured amazing footage of a large bull shark attacking another shark. Video Courtesy: ABC7NY | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Sand Blaster Bait Caster!        
“From the revolutionary war, to revolutionary fishing…the Sand Blaster Bait Caster!” Bunker Up! Video Courtesy: Bunker Up Fishin | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Orca Feeding on Seal! 
Cool video of Orca feeding on a seal on the beach. Video Courtesy: American Sport Fishing | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! 90 Foot Wave! 
Watch Garrett McNamara Ride a 90 Foot Wave In Nazere Portugal!! The Biggest Wave Ever Ridden in The World! Video Courtesy: Earth Pix | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Fad Fishing!  
Fad fishing with Bubba Carter for blue marlin in Costa Rica. Video Courtesy: Ryan Doxey | Vimeo
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Swim Like a Dolphin!  
Swim like a dolphin. So fun! Video Courtesy: GI Gadgets | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Updated Client Photos 
Above: Full sized Blue Marlin action for ROFFS™ Clients Chase Carlisle and Captain Don Thrasher (Business Interruption) out of Aransas Pass (TX) on June 18th. They “followed Greg’s recommendations on 1 of the 2 options we were considering and had a nice trip.” (Please note that we will only post photos of live marlin being tagged in the water and NOT held in your hands on the boat).
Please click HERE to our newly updated 2016 client photo gallery on our website now! NEWS Satellite Imagery Showing the Polluted waters from Florida are Reaching Georgia

Ocean color image (second page) from June 15, 2016 from VIIRS sensor on the Suomi National Polar Orbiting Partnership satellite enhanced by ROFFS™ that shows the discolored water from Port St. Lucie, FL reaching the western side of the Gulf Stream and being carried all the way north offshore of Savannah, GA approximately 270 miles (straight line distance). This is the polluted water coming from Lake Okeechobee that has been diverted to Florida’s east and west coasts instead of being sent down its natural path through central Florida to be cleaned by the Everglades before entering into Florida Bay.

The water appears brown off Port. St. Lucie and by the time it reaches the Savannah area it appears as a blue-green water. The change in color is likely to be due to the dilution by the Gulf Stream waters (dark blue). Other recent satellite imagery does not show this water as clearly as this one due to clouds and other atmospheric effects. This provides evidence that Florida is transporting its unhealthy polluted waters to other states.

Please click HERE to read the full article on the polluted waters from Florida reaching Georgia and view the FULL resolution image on our website now! Backlash? Feedback?

As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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