ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 124th Edition – Updated Videos/Client Photos & Prehistoric Alligator Gar


Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage

Incredible View Mississippi River Rip!      Incredible View for Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico. A true showing of colors when the Gulf of Mexico meets the Mississippi River. Video Copyright © Marlin Magazine. Video Courtesy: Geology Page | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Another Close Call!         Wow, another Close call with death! Video Courtesy: Blue Chum | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Feeding Frenzy!      Passengers on a 14-day cruise were treated to an unusual sight in Shark Bay, Australia – about 70 tiger sharks feeding on a dead whale. Tour group Eco Abrolhos told the BBC the humpback whale had died naturally. It said the sight was “something to tell the grandchildren”. Video Courtesy: CNN | Youtube Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Mola Mola Invasion!      Mola-Mola Invasion. Video Courtesy: Coral Guardian | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Natural Water Slide!          World’s coolest natural water slide?! I’m gonna go with YES! Video Courtesy: Devin Super Tramp | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Crazy Swimmers!         
It is known as “the pool of death”. Look at why… Unbelievable! Video Courtesy: Super Hit Videos | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Kid Surfs At 6!          
It’s never too early to shred. Video Courtesy: Fatherly | Facebook
Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Updated Client Photos 
Above: Last fishing trip before shipping out!. Great day on the water off Morehead City last weekend for John Marques and Patrick McKee (Celtic Wave).
Please click HERE to our newly updated 2016 client photo gallery on our website now! NEWS Prehistoric Alligator Gar Still Mystery To Florida Fish and Wildlife Biologists Article Courtesy: | By: Space Coast Daily | Originally Published: May 22, 2016

The alligator gar is a freshwater fish that is found in rivers across the southeast from north Florida to Texas and into Mexico.

This aptly named, prehistoric gar is still somewhat of a mystery that biologists continue to study as they work to understand the lives of these cool (but freaky) looking fish.

Finding alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) can be a challenge, but it’s one biologists with the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) are taking on to learn more about the population of the fish in Florida.

Alligator gar have historically resided in rivers and brackish waters throughout the southeastern U.S. from the Florida Panhandle – from the Apalachicola River west to the Perdido River – to Texas and Mexico.

Since the mid-1900s, alligator gar numbers have declined, leaving populations in only half of the 14 states they once inhabited. The FWC acknowledged this in 2006, prohibiting harvest of alligator gar for all but scientific purposes.

Since 2010, FWRI researchers have been tagging alligator gar in the Escambia River to learn more about their movement and habitat use. Using large-mesh gill nets, researchers collect adult alligator gar and fit them with telemetry tags before releasing them back into the river.

Above: Alligator gar have historically resided in rivers and brackish waters throughout the southeastern U.S. from the Florida Panhandle – from the Apalachicola River west to the Perdido River – to Texas and Mexico. (FWC image). Please click HERE to read more on the Alligator Gar on our website now! Backlash? Feedback?

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