ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 72nd Edition: Updated Videos/Catch Reports, Brevard Billfish Slam & Indonesia Sinking Illegal Fishing Vessels


ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 72nd Edition – Updated Videos/Catch Reports, Brevard Billfish Slam & Indonesia Sinking Illegal Fishing Vessels NEWS

Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage

Check out this quick clip of a very lit up blue marlin in hot pursuit! Video Courtesy: Guy Harvey | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

So, extreme auto-boat-boarding is a thing now then? Video Courtesy: Mpora | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Luke Reilly was stand-up paddle boarding about 200m offshore yesterday when an orca “popped up” next to him. Video Courtesy: 3 News | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

This barrel…There are no words…via. Diamond of the Desert. Video Courtesy: Mpora | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Brevard Anglers Record Rare Billfish ‘Slam’ Article Courtesy: by Matt Badolato | Originally Published May 23, 2015

Catching a billfish “slam” — three or more different species in a single day — is an uncommon feat even at top tropical billfish destinations around the globe.

But to catch and release a blue marlin, sailfish and white marlin in one morning off Sebastian Inlet is something special — even if the slam is split between two boatloads of anglers.

On May 9, Kimberly Kelly of Indialantic was fishing with friends Niles Nelson and Germae Patterson of Melbourne about 30 miles off Sebastian. They’d already caught a handful of small dolphin, nothing more than 20 pounds, when their left outrigger clip popped and drag screamed off the reel.

“The fish missed the rigger bait, but came back for the flatline and we hooked up,” said Nelson, 35, an orthopedic consultant who has lived and fished in Melbourne his entire life. “We saw it was a marlin just as it came through our spread, tangling lines and cutting off lures.”

Above: The crew of the Slammin’ Hammond and the 50-pound bull dolphin they caught May 9. The also landed a 250-pound blue marlin. A fellow crew of anglers released a white marlin a few miles away just minutes before. From left to right: Tony Collazo, Nathan Hammond, Jason Duff and Thad Tripodi. (Photo: For FLORIDA TODAY) Please click here to read more on the recent Brevard County Billfish “Slam” on our website now!

Indonesia Sinks 41 Illegal Fishing Boats Article courtesy: | Originally Published May 21, 2015

Indonesia yesterday sank a large Chinese vessel as well as 40 other foreign boats that had been caught fishing illegally in the country’s waters, a move likely to spark a strong reaction from Beijing and other regional capitals.

The 300 gross tonne Chinese vessel was destroyed with a low-explosive device on its hull in West Kalimantan, said Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti.

“This is not a show of force. This is just merely (us) enforcing our laws,” Ms Susi was quoted as saying by The Jakarta Post.

The Gui Xei Yu 12661 is the first Chinese boat to be sunk since Indonesian President Joko Widodo declared war on illegal foreign fishing boats last December.

The Indonesian Navy detained Gui Xei Yu in 2009 after it was caught fishing near the South China Sea, a hotly disputed area involving China and South-east Asian nations such as Malaysia and Vietnam.

Besides the Chinese ship, the authorities also destroyed 40 other vessels in different places across the country. They included five boats from Vietnam, two boats from Thailand and 11 from the Philippines, The Post reported.

Shortly after assuming office last October, Mr Widodo launched a campaign to protect Indonesia’s maritime resources and domestic fishing industry, which loses billions of dollars in revenues to illegal fishing each year. He has also pledged to transform Indonesia into a maritime power and, in December last year, orchestrated a much-publicised sinking of three empty Vietnamese vessels.

Above: The Indonesian Navy destroys foreign fishing vessels caught fishing illegally in waters near North Sulawesi yesterday. Photo: REUTERS.

Please click here to read more about Indonesia sinking illegal fishing vessels on our website now!

Don’t Forget to Send Us Your Fishing Reports for our Weekly Catch Reports!

Above: Once again congratulations to our clients who won the Mobile Big Game Fishing Club Memorial Day Tournament (AL): 1st Place Catch & Release, 1st Place Top Large Boat & 1st Place Top Junior Angler Captain Joe Morgan, Cliff McGonigal, Jason Bell, Dalton Beard, Jake Allen & Cory Litton (Jubilee). “We went 3/3 on blue marlin and 1/3 on white marlin. Couldn’t of done it without y’all!!” Please click here to view the most recent catch reports on our website now!

Backlash? Feedback? As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at *|FACEBOOK:LIKE|*

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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