ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 68th Edition: Updated Videos/Catch Reports, Sargassum Facts, Climate, Pollution & Overfishing


ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 68th Edition – Updated Videos/Catch Reports, Sargassum Facts, Climate, Pollution & Overfishing NEWS

Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage Above: Be on right WAVE! Video Courtesy: DJ MISS FTV | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Above: A school of fish in the sky? A flock of starlings take flight in what is known as a murmuration, a rare gathering that looks like dancing clouds. Video Courtesy: NBC News | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Above:  Who says pontoon boats are boring? This one goes 114 mph! Video Courtesy: Street FX Motorsport & Graphics | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

Above: You have to see it to believe it. One adult oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of murky, polluted water a day. Think of how clean the Bay could be with a healthy, thriving oyster population? Check out the video to see for yourself. Video Courtesy: Chesapeake Bay Foundation | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Above: Incredible footage of blacktip sharks attacking topwater lures! Video Courtesy: Blacktiph Fishing | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now!

GCFI Sargassum Fact Sheet Article courtesy: Doyle, E. and J. Franks. April 2015. Sargassum Fact Sheet. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute.

Have you noticed an occurrence of greater than normal amounts of sargassum on your beaches in recent years? Has it caused problems for you or local communities? Are other people in your country or island talking about sargassum?

Sargassum is an emerging issue on the coasts of the Wider Caribbean.

During 2011, massive quantities of pelagic sargassum occurred throughout the Caribbean, impacting aquatic resources, fisheries, shorelines, waterways, and tourism. A similar event occurred in 2014 and continues in 2015. This Fact Sheet seeks to share the state of knowledge about the sargassum influx and to promote the adoption of best management practices.

Please click here to read more on the facts about sargassum from GCFI on our website now!

Letter to the Editor: Climate, Pollution and Overfishing Article/Letter courtesy: Ben-Yami Column | WORLD FISHING and AQUACULTURE | Originally published:  Feb. 2015.

Skipper’s protest. It seems that at least every 5 years I’ve got to return to the dispute of overfishing vs. other factors responsible for depleted fish populations. I surely wrote about it on this page in  2002, 2007 and 2012. Now, with a feeling of déjà vu, I’m back at it. The main reasons were some news showing that apparently something was happening on the global fisheries management scene. The trigger was a letter sent to me by my friend Cormac Burke, in which a British fisherman, Skipper (ret.)  M.W. Jackson Snr, wrote to Fishing News. Mr. Jackson was complaining of the lack of judgment with which the general press distributed misinformation “by conservationists who are self proclaimed ‘experts’. …  …very good at manipulating the media who love them, and publish every dubious, or in some cases, completely false, stories given to the press”. Skipper Jackson continues: “There has always been a strong argument that vagaries of tide, wind, and frequent weather changes make stocks of fish virtually impossible to predict. Famine and feast have co-existed around the coastal fisheries of our islands since forever, often without any logical explanation. Put a ban, or huge restriction, on certain species and they will appear everywhere, and then they will have to be discarded!”

Above: Trash litters the waters of a fishing village on Bonny Island in the Niger Delta.

Please click here to read more on climate, pollution and overfishing on our website now!

Don’t Forget to Send Us Your Fishing Reports for our Weekly Catch Reports!

Above: Congratulations to ROFFS™ Clients Luis Perez, Captain Bric Peeples, Vinny Delgado and crew on Full Time: Largest Blue Marlin (597 lb.) at the BBC Guana Cay Championship.

Please click here to view the most recent catch reports on our website now! Backlash? Feedback? As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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