ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 66th Edition: the Science of Fishing, Escaping Jaws & How Bluefin Tuna Became a $1,000,000 Fish

NewsletterHeaderDEC2013bWEB ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 66th Edition – the Science of Fishing, Escaping Jaws & How Bluefin Tuna Became a $1,000,000 Fish NEWS Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage Above: Taking photos with a tuna in hand is not as easy as it sounds! Video Courtesy: Vibe FM | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Above: SHARK TAKES FISH: This angler lost his fish, but it didn’t get away – a shark got it right before the gaff did! Video Courtesy: Guy Harvey | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Above: SHARK! Two dudes in the ocean have NO clue what the hell is by them.Video Courtesy: JukinVideo | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Above: This is a very impressive long-duration timelapse of the thunderstorm that brought severe weather east of Lubbock. Some very spectacular dynamic interactions between two supercells are evident with rotation evident. Plus, watch the rapid intensification of the storm complete with anvil development, updraft pulsing, and even lightning. Video Courtesy: US National Weather Service Lubbock Texas | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Melbourne Man Studies Science of Fishing Article Courtesy: – Ted Lund | Originally Published: April 11, 2015 It’s a typical morning in the West Melbourne offices of Roffs Ocean Forecasting (, and Mitch Roffer, Ph.D., is fresh out of his kayak from exploring the waters near his coastal home just north of Sebastian Inlet. Roffer and his team are going over satellite imagery from around the world, producing subscription-based analysis helping pinpoint likely areas to find bait, game and food fish for recreational anglers and commercial fishermen from Maine to the Bahamas and throughout the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. “We download the satellite every morning, and we have to re-navigate and re-calibrate the imagery,” Roffer says. “We do that to make sure the images fit GPS grids to pinpoint locations, but also to make sure that water temperatures are right. If we don’t, temperatures could be off by as much as one to three degrees.” And that — as die-hard fishermen know — can be the difference between catching and not. Above: Anglers can cutout the guesswork when looking for pelagic species, like this blackfin tuna, using ocean forecasting services like Melbourne-based ROFFS™. (Photo: Ted Lund/FOR FLORIDA TODAY) Please click here to read more about Dr. Mitchell Roffer and the Science of Fishing on our website now! The Breathtaking Moment a Lucky Seal Escaped Jaws… Article Courtesy: | Originally published Nov 14, 2014

These phenomenal photographs have captured the moment a lucky seal somehow managed to twist its way out of a killer great white’s jaws after being thrown into the air. The huge shark burst out of the water only to see the seal bounce off the tip of its nose and be thrown into the air.

On the way down the great white snapped with its razor-sharp jaws, but missed the seal by the tiniest of margins. The breathtaking scene was shot by underwater photographer Sergio Riccardo near Cape Town, in South Africa. Dense seal population on Seal Island — just a few miles from Cape Town — provide fertile feeding ground for great whites.

Mr. Riccardo, who is from Sorrento, Italy, described the incredible scene he was lucky to observe…

Above: Image Courtesy: Sergio Riccardo – Caters News

Please click here to see more photos of a lucky seal escaping jaws on our website now! How Bluefin Tuna Became a Million Dollar Fish Article Courtesy: – Svati Kirsten Narulajan | Article originally published Jan 5, 2014 Once used for cat food, the endangered fish is now one of the most prized delicacies in the world. Every year, on the first Saturday in January, Japan makes a grand statement to the global fishing community by putting an exorbitant price on the head of a single bluefin tuna. At the famous Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, the first bluefin auction of the year represents many things: growing consumer demand forbluefin sashimi, the exploitation of natural resources, the collapse of a species,shortsightedness in the face of impending doom to the entire ocean, a depravedpublicity stunt. In 2013, Kiyoshi Kimura, the owner of a Japanese sushi restaurant chain, paid $1.76 million for the first bluefin at Tsukiji, which weighed 489 pounds. Kimura had paid $736,000—a world-record price at the time—for the first tuna of 2012. That fish weighed 593 pounds. It’s no surprise, then, that journalists were steeling themselves for what was sure to come on January 4, 2014: If the past decade’s trend in pricing continued, this year’s first tuna would surely fetch more than a million dollars. But the Tsukiji fish market bucked tradition this weekend and sold its first tuna to Kimura, yet again, for a mere $70,000. That’s still way more money than most bluefin go for in Japan. But compared to what everyone was expecting—an extravagant sum to start off the new year and remind us that these are the most prized fish in the sea—that’s one crazy cheap tuna. Above: Kiyoshi Kimura paid a lot of money for this bluefin tuna, the first one auctioned off at the Tsukiji fish market in 2013. (Toru Hanai/Reuters). Please click here to read more about how bluefin tuna became a million dollar fish on our website now! Don’t Forget to Send Us Your Fishing Reports for our Weekly Catch Reports! Above: Steve Grant and Henry Green fishing with Don Combs in early April on Don’s new boat. This wahoo weighed 37 lb. Please click here to view the most recent catch reports on our website now! Backlash? Feedback? As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!


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