ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 53rd Edition: New York Boat Show, 10 Top Places to Catch Big Tuna & Atlantic Sturgeon

ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 53rd Edition – New York Boat Show, 10 Top Places to Catch Big Tuna & Atlantic Sturgeon NEWS ROFFS™ Exhibiting at New York National Boat Show Next week, ROFFS™ will be exhibiting at the New York National Boat Show. (Jan. 21 – 25). This is a totally revamped and reorganized show. ROFFS™ will exhibiting, providing demonstrations on how we find fish, showing how subtle changes in the ocean conditions result in changes in catch success,  and just talking fishing.  New booth #956. Greg will be opening the show and Mitch will be in the booth Friday and Saturday. Free gift certificates for free analyses available at the booth. Please click here for more information on our website now! Updated Videos on ROFFS™.com – Be Sure to Check Out the “Hot News” Button on the ROFFS™ Homepage Above: Dolphin vs. Angler Crazy Action on a Boat. Video courtesy of Top Videos Fishing | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Above: Check out some crazy Yellowfin Tuna feeding action. This was the scene offshore all of last week…Video courtesy of Tropic Star Lodge | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! Above: Candidate #2 for Best & Fastest Fish Cleaner. Video courtesy of Offshore Fishing SEQ | Facebook Please click HERE to watch the video on our website now! 10 Top Places to Catch Huge Tuna Article by Doug Olander. | Courtesy of SportFishingMag.comA look at some of the very best places around the world to tangle with trophy tuna.

As promised in the January 2014 feature, “11 of the World’s Best Fishing Spots,” in Sport Fishingmagazine, here are 10 of the top spots in the world to catch a huge tuna. Of course “huge” varies per species; a 350-pound yellowfin is as huge for that species as is a 1,000-pounder for bluefin. Also, note that these are not offered as “the ten best spots” in the world, but rather, 10 of the best. Big difference. These are not ordered by rank, but arbitrarily and randomly. And there are lots of other candidates, of course, such as Kona, Rodrigues Island, the Azores, Ivory Coast, Canary Islands and more.

Above: Tuna in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Image Courtesy Capt. Josh Temple /,

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view more information on the best places to catch big tuna on our website now… Atlantic Sturgeon Back in Bay, or Did They Ever Leave? Article Courtesy of Karl Blankenship | Posted on December 08, 2014 on

A couple of decades ago, a handful of scientists met to discuss the dismal state of the Atlantic sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay. No researcher had seen a spawning sturgeon in years. Some doubted whether a remnant population of the Bay’s largest fish even remained.

Finally, the scientists began to debate what to do if someone actually caught a spawning female.

Some thought they should send her to a hatchery to preserve her unique Bay genetic makeup. Others thought they should tag and track her to see if she led to another sturgeon.

“We went back and forth about what we would do with the ‘last’ sturgeon,” recalled Dave Secor, a fisheries scientist with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. “That discussion has changed.”

Thought nearly extinct in the Chesapeake just two decades ago, sturgeon are turning up in surprising numbers and in surprising places. They’re also doing surprising things, like spawning in the fall — unlike any other anadromous fish on the East Coast.

Much of what was common knowledge 20 years ago is being cast aside as discoveries come at an increasingly rapid pace. “What we would have said a year ago about sturgeon, we wouldn’t say today,” said Chris Hager, a biologist which Chesapeake Scientific, a consulting firm, who has studied the big fish for more than a decade.

A few years ago, most biologists would have said that only the James River had a reliable, if small, breeding population. Now, some think the James alone holds a population that could number in the thousands. Next door in the Pamunkey, scientists last year documented a spawning population.

Above: Matt Bakazik (right) of Virginia Commonwealth University and Chuck Frederickson, a retired lower James Riverkeeper, work to free an Atlantic sturgeon from the gill net in the James River below Richmond where it was caught during a scientific sampling cruise on the James in 2013. Image courtesy of Leslie Middleton. PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more on Atlantic Sturgeon on our website now… UPDATED Catch Reports Section on ROFFS™ Website

Above: Well folks, we have a new contender that stepped up to the plate. The guys on the Fish Bucket landed this 115″ 1005 pounder today.  That’s right…… A GRANDER!!!!!! Nice work guys! Photo Credit: Capt. Joe Shute’s Bait and Tackle Please click HERE to view recent catch reports on our website now…

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time! As always, please send comments & feedback on Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at


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