ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 49th Edition: Hawaiian Dangle Fishing, White House Fights Illegal Fishing & American Sportfishing Association Advocacy

ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 49th Edition – Hawaiian Dangle Fishing, White House Fights Illegal Fishing & American Sportfishing Association Advocacy


Hawaiian “Dangle Fishing”  A Different Method of Commercial Harvest

Above: Here’s a quick video of last weeks catch. In Hawaii they call this dangle fishing. When they are lucky enough to get into this kind of action they can fill the boat very rapidly. On this day their 3 man crew caught 9000 lbs. Video courtesy of: Ahi Plus+ Inc | Facebook

As always, please send comments & feedback on this video and Fishy Times newsletter content directly to us at

PLEASE CLICK HERE to watch the FULL video of Hawaiian dangle fishing on our website now…

White House Issues Ambitious Plan to Fight Illegal Fishing

Article from Dec. 16, 2014 from National Geographic by Brian Clark Howard – please click here for original article.

A White House task force issued new recommendations Tuesday to combat the growing problem of illegal fishing and to make it easier to tell if the fish on your plate was legally caught and imported.

The recommendations are designed to block the import of illegally caught fish and to improve traceability and transparency in the $500 billion global seafood industry.

The goal is to “level the playing field for legitimate fishers and businesses in the seafood industry and increase consumer confidence in seafood sold in the United States,” the task force, which comprises a dozen federal agencies, said in issuing its Tuesday report.

A recent study found that 20 to 32 percent of wild-caught seafood imported into the U.S. is fished illegally. The U.S. seafood market is one of the world’s largest and is valued at nearly $18 billion annually.

Above:  A school of Pacific yellowfin tuna is caught in a purse seine, a common type of fishing net for capturing fish that aggregate near the surface of the water. Photo by: Doc White, Nature Picture Library/Corbis. 

PLEASE CLICK HERE for more on the White Houses’s ambitious plan to fight illegal fishing on our website now…

Sportfishing Industry Lists 2014 Top Recreational Fishing Advocacy Accomplishments

Article courtesy of | December 16, 2014 – please click here for original article.

Each year, there are any number of federal and state policy discussions and decisions that impact the sportfishing industry with 2014 being no exception. With many challenges and opportunities still facing the industry, the American Sportfishing Association (ASA) noted six key initiatives or issues that will continue to resonate in 2015 and beyond.

“One of ASA’s most important functions is advocating for our members, and for the broader recreational fishing community, when issues arise that have the potential to enhance or undermine the sportfishing industry’s prospects in the years ahead,” said ASA President and CEO Mike Nussman. “Recreational fishing’s issues can almost always be grouped under three fundamental topics – clean waters, abundant fish and access to both. We saw significant progress in each of these areas in 2014, although our work is far from over.”

“By providing anglers with a voice when important issues arise that impact recreational fishing, KeepAmericaFishing, ASA’s angler advocacy arm, played an active role in these significant achievements, as well as many others,” said KeepAmericaFishing Director Liz Ogilvie. “KeepAmericaFishing is one of the most powerful tools the sportfishing industry has to ensure a vibrant future.”

Key accomplishments & issues include the Atlantic striped bass fishery and a renewed effort to reestablish access at Cape Hatteras, NC.

PLEASE CLICK HERE to read more on the Atlantic striped bass fishery and the renewed effort to reestablish access at Cape Hatteras along with other issues on our website now…

Some of the World’s Coolest Animals Don’t Have Spines

Article courtesy of by: Jordan G. Teicher | Photo credit: Susan Middleton – please click here for original article.

Photographing animals is never easy, but marine invertebrates—underwater creatures without backbones—are especially tricky: They tend to be small, sometimes they’re transparent, and they’re often quite fast moving. But the effort, Susan Middleton says, is worth it if it helps educate the public about these creatures, which make up more than 98 percent of the known animal species in the ocean and are an important part of our evolutionary history.

“I like to think of humans riding on the ‘shoulders’ of the marine invertebrates—even though most of them don’t have shoulders. We are the beneficiaries of many of their inventions: bilateral symmetry, a central nervous system, respiration, a circulatory system, and on and on. We wouldn’t be here without them; they are the foundation of everything,” she said via email.

Above: Pink Brittle Star (Ophiomyxa australis). Photo courtesy of Susan Middleton

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view more Susan Middleton’s photos of invertebrates on our website now…

UPDATED Videos Section on ROFFS™ Website

Above: BBC Life – Flying Fish – Clip of Fish flying as far as 200 meters. Video courtesy of: BBC Life

Please click HERE to view the FULL video on our website now…

Above: Dredge footage from Fishtank Sportfishing in the Dominican Republic summer 2014 Video courtesy of: Fishtank Sportfishing

Please click HERE to view the FULL video on our website now…

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on FacebookTwitterYouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time! Please send feedback to

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