ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter 37th Edition: Sargassum Problem, Bisbee's Cabo Relief Update, Walker's Cay, Japan Tuna Catch & Apalachicola Bay

ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter – 37th Edition – Sargassum Problem, Bisbee’s Cabo Relief Effort Update, Walker’s Cay, Japan Tuna Catch & Apalachicola Bay
Sargassum Weed Appears to be Hemispheric Problem
Sargassum weed is plaguing the Caribbean Sea. We are getting numerous reports of Sargassum weed from the offshore waters of NY to NC this summer. Apparently this is a large scale event (miles of of thick mats on the beaches) as shown in the recent photo by Hector J. Ruiz (Above) from the Island of Mona off Puerto Rico. This type of event was also seen in 2011. This event is being studied and our friend and colleague Dr. Jim Franks from University Southern Mississippi. Please send reports to Jim via his website which can be found on our website. PLEASE CLICK HERE for more information on Sargassum weed and for the link to Dr. Jim Franks and his pelagic Sargassum reporting site… Cabo Relief Effort Update We want to give you an update on the Cabo situation and of course where we stand as of now on the upcoming tournaments. For those of you with emails and/or phone calls into Tricia and me, I apologize if we haven’t replied but weare fielding literally hundreds of emails and calls each hour. This e-blast will answer a lot of the questions, and if not, we’ll get to the others as quickly as we can. We did get one of our team down there late Thursday, he’s been filling us in on the situation and helping where ever he can. We have two more arriving Wednesday morning including my dad who’s been through this several times before… albeit not this badly unfortunately. I don’t have to tell you that this one wasn’t like the previous hurricanes that have rolled through Cabo. It was a monster, but progress is being made much faster than the original reports. Yesterday they did get some power restored to several areas of town, our guy is staying at the Wyndham and woke up to running water and electricity. The last day or two has been good for the military and police bringing security back to the various communities. There are thousands of troops all over Los Cabos. Many of the gas stations are open, and have fuel. There are some of the stores and pharmacies open now, with more opening each day. We should be receiving an email from Darren Carey at IGY Marina any time now, and we will push out to you the moment we get it. PLEASE CLICK HERE to read the latest update on the situation in Cabo and for a link to donate on our website… U.S. Billionaire in Walker’s Cay Talks
Recent reports suggest that the Government is hoping to close on a sale of Walker’s Cay to a US real estate billionaire and return it to its “boater’s paradise heyday” soon. According to Tribune Business sources Jeff Greene, an investor with substantial high-end real estate investments in Palm Beach and New York’s exclusive Hamptons area, is the potential buyer of the northernmost island in the Abacos. Khaalis Rolle, minister of state for investments, declined to confirm whether Mr. Greene was the potential Walker’s Cay buyer, but said he understood a deal for the property was close to completion. “The last I heard, they were very close to a deal,” Mr. Rolle. “I haven’t gotten an update recently to determine whether it was finalized or not. They were having some discussions and going through the normal process for a transaction like this.” Please click HERE to read more on this story now on our website… (Above: Walker’s Cay – a Sportsfishing paradise when it was in its heyday..) Fish Hungry Japan Slashes Tuna Catch by 50% After several decades of reckless overfishing, mostly by Japanese fleets eager to satisfy their country’s increasing demand for sushi and sashimi, stocks of bluefin tuna in the Pacific Ocean have declined alarmingly. Japan accounts for more than 70 percent of the Pacific bluefin tuna caught, according to the government’s Fisheries Agency. As a consequence, the most recent stock assessment of Pacific bluefin tuna made by the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean (ISC), noted that the population “level is near historically low levels and experiencing high exploitation rates”. The situation is so dire that Japan’s Fisheries Agency felt compelled to announce in March it would cut the country’s allowable haul of Pacific immature bluefin tuna by 50 percent in 2015.  The agency followed this up by lobbying other countries fishing in the region to do likewise, and this month succeeded in obtaining their agreement. During a conference of countries belonging to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) that took place in Fukuoka, Japan, from September 1-4, the other major catchers of tuna – South Korea, Taiwan, Canada and the United States – promised to make the same deep cuts as Japan. Please click HERE to read more about the Japan Tuna Catch on our website… (Above: A single weighty tuna with the right fat and meat could sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars in Japan – courtesy EPA.) 33 WHITE MARLIN CAUGHT AND RELEASED IN ONE DAY! Congratulations to ROFFS™ client James Foulke and Steve Castellini (Trust Me Too) from Ocean City, MD who caught and released 33 white marlin in one day. “Bait all over the place, squid everywhere” and obviously the marlin were cooperating. Glad he had the trip of a lifetime! Pictured above. Updated Catch Reports Section of ROFFS™ Website
Congrats to ROFFS™ client Gary Savard and the “Tiger Shark” team for yet another good tuna trip south of Montauk, NY. (See Photo Above.)
Be sure to visit the section titled “Catch Reports” located under the “Insights” tab on our ROFFS™ website that will feature current catch reports from areas such as the Northeastern U.S., North Carolina/Hatteras, South Carolina/Georgia, Florida, the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico.   We continue to post weekly updates in this category so please check back often. Please click HERE to view last week’s catch reports… Thank you to George Poveromo who scored several blackfin tuna and then pitch-baited this 36 lb. bull dolphin on a Penn Spinfisher V 8500 filled with Sufix Superior 20-lb test mono. Another great bite and awesome weather day off Islamorada, FL Keys; With Bobby Brack, Carl Grassi, Bob Foldy and Nathan Quinn. (See Photo Above.) Oystermen Fear Closing of Apalachicola Bay Seafood workers and oyster harvesters say they are worried about the future of Apalachicola Bay. The Panama City News Herald ( reported Saturday that dozens of workers from the oyster industry protested during a Friday meeting of an association created to represent them. The bay, famed for its oysters, is threatened by both over harvesting and a water supply dispute with Georgia. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Executive Director Nick Wiley cautioned that oyster harvesting in Apalachicola Bay might need to be halted, which could affect thousands of jobs, if newly enacted winter restrictions fail to improve the oyster population. “It’s very likely that we’re going to have to entertain a possible complete closure of the Apalachicola oyster harvest,” Wiley said during a recent meeting in Kissimmee. “We want to take that very carefully, and only do that if everybody feels that’s what we have to do.” In August, the state agency implemented new conservation measures for the winter, from closing certain commercial and recreational areas to lowering the number of oysters individuals can harvest. Please click here to read more on the possible closing of Apalachicola Bay to oystermen on our website… If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on FacebookTwitterYouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!

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