Twenty Third Edition of ROFFS™ Fishy Times – Updated Catch Reports/Tournament Winners, Eat More Fish & ROFFS™ Fish of the Week – Yellowfin Tuna

ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter 23rd Edition: Updated Catch Reports/Tournament Winners, Eat More Fish & ROFFS™ Fish of the Week – Yellowfin Tuna NEWS Please Remember to Place Your Orders Early in the Week for Weekend Fishing as we Continue to be Busy! We are sure to be busy again this week in anticipation of this weekend’s upcoming tournaments (listed on the right hand column of this newsletter) along with recreational/fun fishing!  Please remember to call the office NOW (800.677.7633) and place your orders EARLY. Please click HERE to place your orders for this weekend on our website… FEDs to Pregnant Women: Eat More Fish Eating seafood generally is considered good for you, but the catch is some kinds of fish tend to be contaminated with high levels of brain-damaging mercury. Meanwhile, many of the most popular seafood choices for Americans provide relatively low amounts of the fatty acids that stimulate brain development and help prevent heart disease.  In the latest attempt to strike a balance between the health benefits and risks, the Obama administration on Tuesday encouraged pregnant women, women of childbearing age and breastfeeding mothers to eat at least 8 — but no more than 12 — ounces of low-mercury fish a week, an amount equivalent to two or three servings. The Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency, which have squabbled for years about how to advise Americans about mercury in seafood, said following their guidance would increase the chances that women and young children obtain beneficial nutrients while avoiding a toxic metal. Examples of low-mercury species include salmon, shrimp, pollock, tilapia, catfish and cod, according to an updated consumer advisory proposed by the two agencies. “It’s become clearer and clearer that there are significant benefits (from eating seafood) in terms of health and development for the fetus and young children,” Stephen Ostroff, the FDA’s acting chief scientist, said during a conference call with reporters. “There are so many women that are missing out on the benefits.”  Please click HERE to read more on why pregnant women should eat more fish on our website…   Updated Catch Reports Section of ROFFS™ Website Be sure to visit the section titled “Catch Reports” located under the “Insights” tab on our ROFFS™ website that will feature current catch reports from areas such as the Northeastern U.S., Oregon Inlet/North Carolina, South Carolina/Georgia, Jacksonville (FL), the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico.   We continue to post weekly updates in this category so please check back often.  Please click HERE to view last week’s catch reports… ROFFS™ Recent Tournament Results Congratulations to our recent tournament winners! Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament (NC): 3rd Place Blue Marlin Jerry Jackson & Gray Hardison (Ava D); 1st Place Top Junior Angler Game Fish Division, 1st Place Top Junior Angler Release Division & 1st Place Dolphin Game Fish Daily Thursday Bryant Montague & Braxton Montague (Bankwalker); 1st Place Tuna Weekly Game Fish Division, 1st Place Tuna Game Fish Daily Wednesday & 2nd Place Dolphin Game Fish Daily Thursday Steve Mozeley (Hammertime); 1st Place Daily Release Division Wednesday & 2nd Place Release Division Weekly Paul Kincheloe & Captain Geoff Flynt (Crack of Dawn); 1st Daily Billfish Released Saturday & The 56th Billfish Released Captain Jon Duffie (Billfisher); 1st Place Daily Billfish Release Division Wednesday Hunter Blount (Coverage); 1st Place Daily Release Division Friday & 1st Daily Billfish Released Sandy McNeill, Captain Kevin Gaylord & Brett Galdig (Safari); 1st Place Daily Release Division Saturday Captain Mike Thompson (Ashley Lauren); 1st Place Wahoo Game Fish Daily Thursday Jeff Garner (Yellowfin); 1st Place Dolphin Game Fish Daily Saturday Sid Gold (Can Do Too); 2nd Place Dolphin Game Fish Daily Wednesday Bret Gaskill (Floar Plan); 2nd Place Dolphin Game Fish Daily Friday Norman Pulliam & Mark Rogers (The Rascal); 2nd Place Dolphin Game Fish Daily Saturday Brian Harrington & Clint Sanders (Run Off); 3rd Place Top Junior Angler Game Fish Division  Harris Huddle & Spencer Scheper (Builder’s Choice). Abaco Beach Blue Marlin Tournament: 2nd Place Largest Tuna Captain David Tomlinson, Will Tomlinson & Peter Zylsha (Ma Sheila). Please click HERE to view the newly updated 2014 winners list on our website… ROFFS™ Fish of the Week – Atlantic Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin tuna are found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. They’re highly migratory, capable of swimming across an entire ocean (and across international borders). Unlike non-migratory species that are only found off our coasts, we’re not the only ones fishing for yellowfin tuna. Fisheries for these species require both strong domestic management and international cooperation to ensure the resource is abundant and global harvests are sustainable. The United States is an active member of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and negotiates with other member nations to enhance international management of yellowfin tuna (along with other tunas, billfish, and sharks).
Please click HERE to read more on the Atlantic Yellowfin Tuna on our website…
If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!]]>

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