Sixteenth Edition of ROFFS™ Fishy Times – Fish Forecasting Saltwater Sportsman Article, Catch Reports & Recipes

ROFFS™ Fishy Times Newsletter 16th Edition: Fish Forecasting Saltwater Sportsman Article, Catch Reports & Recipes


Fish Forecasting – Saltwater Sportsman – May 2014 Issue

Keith Brack was on top of the world after releasing his first blue marlin, fishing with his dad and me off Bimini, Bahamas, this past June. We caught the fish trolling in 1,500 to 1,600 feet of water, tight to the island. The next day, we trolled the same zone without luck, and even stayed the same course until noon on day three. A report from Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service showed a 1-degree temperature break several miles off Bimini over deep structure. We made the move, and after three hours of trolling, Brack fought and released his second blue marlin of the trip, an estimated 250-pounder.

Such a scenario wasn’t new to us. In fact, it has played out many times for dolphin, and even marlin and yellowfin tuna. Knowing exactly where potentially potent stretches of water are prior to leaving the dock bolsters confidence, and can possibly reduce fuel consumption by eliminating a lot of searching. We call it precision targeting. Please click HERE to read this full article on our website…

NEW Catch Reports Section of ROFFS™ Website

Be sure to visit the new section titled “Catch Reports” located under the “Insights” tab on our ROFFS™ website that will feature current catch reports from areas such as Oregon Inlet/North Carolina, South Carolina, Jacksonville (FL), the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico.   We will post weekly in this category so please check back often.  Please click HERE to view last week’s catch reports…

Congratulations to our client Ray Rosher & his team on the “Miss Britt” for winning last week’s Key West Sailfish Championship

Watch Corals Move in Timelapse Video

Corals and other “slow life” do move, though we often think of them as very nearly static. In order to see their movement, you need to change your perspective — slow way down, photograph in timelapse, and then carefully assemble the result so that humans can understand what that motion looks like from the perspective of such a slow creature. Photographer Daniel Stoupin has done just that with his short film Slow Life, three and a half minutes of timelapse that took nine months to create. Behold, and definitely go fullscreen – Please click HERE to view video on our website…

Coast Guard Considers Shutting Down Oregon Inlet

A Coast Guard captain said Friday that he is prepared to close Oregon Inlet to recreational and commercial boat traffic within weeks if sand continues to accumulate in the dynamic waterway faster than dredging can remove it.

The buildup of sand – shoaling – around the Bonner Bridge has increased exponentially, elevating the navigational risks to dangerous levels. Capt. Anthony Popiel said safety is his main concern in deciding whether to close the inlet or implement restrictions.

“It seems like it could be as soon as the next couple of weeks,” he said.

An extended closure of Oregon Inlet could seriously affect the Outer Banks’ fishing and boating industries, estimated in a 2006 Dare County report to annually produce more than $682 million and support 9,851 jobs. The inlet is the only route to the Atlantic Ocean between Hampton Roads and Hatteras Inlet.  Please click HERE to read the full article on our website…

Please Report All Bluefin Tuna Sightings in the Gulf of Mexico

ROFFS™ is requesting that all sightings of bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico be reported to the office ( or 800-677-7633) as our NASA – NOAA research project’s research cruise studying the reproductive biology of highly migratory species will take place during the last week of April through the end of May.


Be sure to spice up your next party with a nice crab or fish dip complete with black olives (held on with cream cheese) for eyes.  A big thank you goes out to Michele Mackey Fogel from Jacksonville, FL for this creative idea!

If you do not want to wait for our next Fishy Times newsletter, please visit us in the meantime to get all your fishing news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on the web.  Safe and successful fishing until next time!

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